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Posts posted by abdullahalsinha

  1. It's a Fiverr algorithm . Fiverr Gives chance to new seller to rank them self . If they show a good result then Fiverr stay them in 1-10 page . During this time the Seller who was ranked on his position he was lose his position . But doing regular work he can achieve his position. 

    • Like 7
  2. There are many reason .
    some of are :

    • There are many seller right now fiverr
    • You category has lot of seller

     What Should you do :

    • Complete your full profile setup
    • Make gig image more attractive
    • Upload low impacts gig's

    If those method is not working then open another fiverr account in your relatives laptop/pc

    Follow those steps . I hope you can approve your profile   

    • Like 6
    • Confused 1

  3. It is possible that changing your display name on Fiverr could hamper your impressions or clicks, but it is not guaranteed. It depends on a number of factors, including:

    How well-known your current display name is. If your current display name is something that customers are familiar with and associate with your gigs, then changing it could cause some of them to lose track of you.
    How relevant your new display name is to your gigs. If your new display name is not as relevant to your gigs as your current display name, then it could make it more difficult for customers to find you when they search for gigs in your niche.
    How well-optimized your gig titles and descriptions are. If your gig titles and descriptions are well-optimized for relevant keywords, then customers will still be able to find your gigs even if they don't recognize your new display name.
    Overall, it is important to weigh the pros and cons before changing your display name on Fiverr. If you are concerned about hampering your impressions or clicks, you may want to consider keeping your current display name or choosing a new name that is similar to your old one.

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