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  1. I am a buyer. Whenever I place a gig, and the communication & delivery exceeded my expectations, I always leave a tip. I recently had a gig, and was asked - as usual - to leave a tip. I did not feel inclined, so I opted out. The system kept asking me 2 more times to leave a tip_or not. Then I receive a automated Email from Fiverr asking me to privately rate my experience. I shared my experience, and again I was asked a whopping 2 times to leave a tip. I understand that Fiverr needs to make money, but I insist someone here from Fiverr is reading this. If you-Fiverr keeps on asking so aggressively for leaving tips, where you charge service fees, I will deactive my account and use another platform. I had it with your overly aggressive way of inducing a charge fee!
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