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  1. No. is not my account. but I noticed its name is the same.
  2. I don't understand Because in their mail they say my service is violated but I know the same service gig is available in Fiverr. I am a digital marketer. So I do promotional work by Google ads. I didn't do anything wrong. I always maintain Fiverr terms. what can I do now? I contacted Fiverr support they replied the same. they said we review your account. after 90 days I can get my result. I don't understand Because in their mail they say my service is violated but I know the same service gig is available in Fiverr. I am a digital marketer. So I do promotional work by Google ads. I didn't do anything wrong. I always maintain Fiverr terms. what can I do now? I contacted Fiverr support they replied the same. they said we review your account. after 90 days I can get my result.
  3. I didn't copy any gig. also don't share any link numbers etc. so now my question is how can I back my account? any chance to get it back?
  4. I'm a digital marketer. so I provide Facebook/YouTube also many social media campaigns.
  5. yeah. They said my work was harmful and violated. but I saw 50k+ gigs and they also offer the same service. some of sellers also top-rated
  6. They said my work was harmful and violated. but I saw 50k+ gigs and they also offer the same service. some of sellers also top rated
  7. On April 2023 I started my Fiverr journey. also, I got 8/9 order on Fiverr. All my clients are satisfied with my work they give me tips and also give me good feedback. But suddenly 1 month ago Fiverr took my account on review. still, they review my account. I mail many times for reason why they dos this. but they reply to the same message again and again. My client didn't report and I didn't do any work Fiverr against. so my question is how can I back my account? What can I do now? please suggest me😔
  8. I'm new here, and I don't have much knowledge, But some days ago I contracted Fiverr support and asked them Can I market my gig via LinkedIn, Google ads, etc. social media. So they told me I could market my gig on social media.
  9. Hi Everyone, I'm a new member of this site. I created my account 2 months ago. However, I could not get many clicks or impressions on my gig. So Give me a suggestion How can I get many projects? Also, tell me Fiverr some strict rules that I need to maintain always. Thank you!
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