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Posts posted by sakhaet_hosen

  1. 1 hour ago, milo_92 said:

    Hi Everyone,

    I am new on Fiverr. I recently uploaded two gigs (legal advice and translation) and have two lines of questions:

    1. I was wondering whether you had any advice on how to boost the visibility of the gigs or any advice in general to promote the activities. 

    2. I am not sure whether this is normal but  in the space of 48 hours I received A LOT of messages written in funny fonts and asking me to contact them on telegram. I am aware they are scams, what i am curiosu about is whether anyone else has experienced the same and how you dela with them, if at all. 

    Thank you very much for your help!



    How to deal with scam messages on Fiverr:

    • Never communicate outside of Fiverr.
    • Be wary of unsolicited messages.
    • Don't share your personal information.
    • Report scammers to Fiverr.
    • Like 7
  2. 7 minutes ago, tumpa66 said:

    please any one help me how can i edit my gig image.?

    1. Log in to your Fiverr account and go to your My Gigs page.
    2. Click the Edit button next to the gig whose image you want to edit.
    3. In the Gallery section, click the Change button next to the image you want to edit.
    4. Select the new image you want to use and click Open.
    5. Adjust the image size and position as needed.
    6. Click Save.
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  3. 1 hour ago, shibdesign said:

    If you're not getting enough clicks on your Fiverr gig, don't worry. There are several reasons why this might be happening, and they can all be addressed. Fiverr's search algorithm is complex, but by optimizing your gig, you can improve its visibility and click-through rate. Here are some common issues you might be facing:

    - Competitive Niche: If you're offering services in a highly competitive niche, it can be challenging to stand out. However, with a well-crafted gig description, a catchy title, and competitive pricing, you can make your gig more appealing to potential buyers.

    - Incomplete Gig: A poorly written description or low-quality images can discourage buyers from clicking on your gig. Make sure your gig is well-detailed, visually appealing, and clearly explains what you offer.

    - Ineffective Keywords: Your gig's keywords and tags are critical to its visibility. You need to use relevant, high-traffic keywords that accurately describe your services.

    - Lack of Reviews: New sellers often struggle to get clicks because they don't have any reviews yet. To gain traction, offer your services at a competitive price and provide excellent customer service to build a positive review history.

    - Low Ratings or Negative Reviews: Poor ratings and negative reviews can hurt your gig's visibility. That's why it's essential to focus on delivering exceptional work and providing excellent customer service to maintain a high rating.

    - Pricing: Research the pricing of similar gigs and adjust your prices accordingly. If your gig is priced too high compared to competitors offering similar services, it may discourage clicks.

    - Limited Portfolio: Buyers want to see examples of your work before making a decision. Make sure your gig includes a portfolio or samples of your previous work to build trust and increase click-through rates.

    - Promotion and Marketing: Fiverr provides tools for promoting your gig, such as paid advertising and gig promotion features. Utilize these options to boost visibility.

    - Competition Changes: The Fiverr marketplace is dynamic, and the competition can change over time. Continuously adapt your gig to the evolving market.

    - Fiverr's Algorithm: It may take time for your gig to gain traction in Fiverr's search algorithm. However, by optimizing your gig and providing exceptional service, you can increase your click-through rate over time.

    To improve your click-through rate on Fiverr, stay active on the platform, optimize your gig, and provide exceptional service to your clients. With persistence and dedication, you can increase clicks and orders over time.

    thank you, bro!


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  4. I gave a total of 4 gigs which lasted for 7 days! Getting an average of 50-60 impressions per gig but no clicks What is the reason for not getting clicks? And the impression is okay?🙃

    Can I share my profile link? Can someone check?


    Can I share my profile link? Can someone check?


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