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  1. @Lena @wordpresssp Thank you for your time. @Kesha Can you also please check my situation and inform me regarding the case sensitivity for the answer. Does the uppercase and lowercase matter for the answer to be deemed correct or incorrect? Looking forward to hearing from you. Kind regards!
  2. It all started a month ago when I was logged out of my Fiverr account, both on my phone and laptop, and had received a reset link via email. Having logged in again everything was okay until a few days ago. When it repeated again, I reported the issue to the customer support of Fiverr and they disabled my account immediately to avoid any hacking attempts. Now the problem is that later on they went on to ask me three questions. 1. My Payoneer ID 2. Phone number 3. Security question I answered the first two with ease but the third one I had forgotten. I was then informed that I cannot proceed further without answering the said question. Upon requesting to reset my security question, I was informed that since my account is disabled, I cannot reset my security question. By today, I have provided the assistant the possible list of security question I might have added to no avail. I cannot afford to have my account inactive for so long since it's impacting my business adversely and have decided to reach out to the Fiverr community. If you have any clue on what to do in this situation, please let me know since I'm in a dire need to get my account back asap. @Lena @ana_tomy @fiverr support
  3. @junaiidgraphiks I tried but they are keep asking for the correct security question. I'm upset. 😞
  4. @goharabbas007 Hello, Any luck?
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