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Posts posted by sakib_hasan_

  1. Get Briefs or Get Matched with Buyers is not something you can click and get orders on your own. It is a functionality where Fiverr’s smart algorithm uses the buyer's order details to immediately find and match with the sellers to the most relevant orders. Once you get matched with buyers, you will be notified that Your service is a match! And you would need to review the brief’s description and send them the best offer.

    As a seller, you can update your profile and gigs with the most relevant services you can provide.

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  2. Interacting with buyers on Fiverr is really important. Be quick and polite when you reply to messages. Make sure both you and the buyer understand what the project involves, how much it costs, and when it'll be done. Keep all your messages on Fiverr so there's a record. Update the buyer on how things are going if the project takes a while. If the buyer wants changes, be positive and do them promptly. Always deliver on time, or let the buyer know if there's a delay. Be nice and professional with all buyers, no matter how big or small the project. If there's a problem, try to solve it calmly. And, of course, follow Fiverr's rules. Doing all this will help you do well on Fiverr!

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  3. Basically, 3 times revision means 3 times different changes. Now your main goal is to make your client satisfied. Sometimes it needs more revision to match your client's requirements or thinking. So you may need to provide some extra revisions to make them happy which is ok. 

    But there are some buyers who will give you more and more new tasks to complete in the same order which is not right. In that case, you should contact Fiverr Support Team first. Tell them about your issues. Most of the time they will tell you to communicate with your buyer, and convenience them that your order is complete. That's what you can do in that particular order. If they need more, they have to buy your gig again. If they accept your proposal then go for it, Or if they want to cancel the order, Contact to Fiverr Support Team again. 

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  4. Negative private reviews may impact your gig ranking. Focus on providing value to your clients, maintaining high-quality service, and building positive client relationships. This approach will likely have a more substantial and lasting impact on your gig's rank over time.

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  5. For someone new, Fiverr is very challenging at first, but it gets easier with time. You'll need to learn how to create a good gig, talk to clients, and deliver quality work on time. There's a lot to learn, but Fiverr offers resources and tips to help you succeed. Just take it step by step, and you'll get the hang of it!

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  6. To optimize your first Fiverr gig for better ranking, make your gig title catchy and clear, using words people might search for. Describe your service in detail, explaining what you offer and why it's valuable. Use tags that fit your service and select the right category. Price your gig reasonably, and show your work through good pictures or videos. Think about what clients might ask and answer those questions in your gig description. Be clear about when you can deliver the work. By doing these things, you increase your chances of getting noticed and hired on Fiverr.

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  7. Remaining online allows you to respond promptly to messages, inquiries, and order requests from potential clients. This quick response time can create a positive impression and increase your chances of securing orders. Also, Clients may prefer to place orders with sellers who are currently online. So YES! This is very important for sellers to stay online on Fiverr.

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  8. To ensure the approval of your Fiverr seller profile, follow these steps: First, ensure that your profile information is accurately filled out and maintains a professional tone. Clearly outline your skills and services, ensuring they are aligned with the appropriate categories on the platform. It's crucial to present high-quality samples of your work that effectively showcase your abilities. Make sure that all content you share is original and not copied from elsewhere. Familiarize yourself with Fiverr's terms of service to guarantee full compliance with their guidelines. Update your contact details. If you've faced rejection previously, take the opportunity to address and rectify any issues that led to the rejection before submitting your profile again. Adhering to these steps will significantly enhance your chances of getting your Fiverr seller profile approved.

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  9. You can change or update your gig description. However, Once your Gig has been edited, it may require a secondary manual review, temporarily removing the Gig from the search results and possibly affecting its search position in the marketplace.

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