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Posts posted by imeshekanayake

  1. it means they are seeing your gig but don't bother to click and see more about it.

    There should be either or all of 3 things wrong here

    1) Your gig video/image isn't captivative, that's the first thing the eyes stop when searching a long list of gig
    2) Your prices are not competitive for your seller level and ratings/reviews.
    3) Your gig title is not telling what they want to hear

    So spend this time to work on those stuff, additionally make a nice gig description and also try to use a professional Profile picture. Look on some high ranked gigs and see what makes the difference (PS - be unique and DON'T copy)

    Hope this helps

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  2. 8 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

     I was the first seller to get the Grand Master Badge on the Fiverr Forum. It does nothing to improve my status as a seller on the main Fiverr platform. 

    Doesn't it help to become a manually selected Top rated seller in Fiverr? I've heard that even when you complete the requirements, you don't get promoted like Level 1 and 2, the Fiverr staff manually observes your profile and promote you afterwards.And being active in the forum and sharing valuable stuff is a qualification.

    Is this a myth or true? 

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  3. I've seen many times that they ask to share you gig (new and old) in social media platforms to increase your impressions and sales? Has anyone really done that and earned success?

    I'd like to know the expert opinion regarding this matter please 😊

    Also, is it worth to run a social media ad campaign to direct potential buyers to my Fiverr gig instead of a personal website or such? (I don't have one actually 😁)

    Thank you

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  4. On 8/31/2023 at 6:32 AM, greendomestudio said:

    However, he didn't leave a rating.

    he might be busy or have forgotten to write a review. The fact that he gave a tip means the experience with you must have been nice. So there's a good chance you can earn a nice public review. 

    So if I were you, I'd very politely remind him a couple of times to write a kind review, I'd emphasize how much it means to have a good public review to attract more potential customers. I have been doing it for years, and there's not a single time that I got a bad review for pressuring. It's upto you to ask it gently and politely without pissing him off!

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  5. On 8/29/2023 at 2:43 PM, faariha_sajid said:

    One of my gigs is ranking one the second page of the target keyword. I know changing description and keywords will obviously effect the ranking, I am not sure about the images though. Would appreciate if someone could please guide me:)

    my opinion, always be careful when to edit your gig images/video. If you have a good conversion rate with good click to order count, that means your current image/video is doing fine. 

    Think of changing it with better attractive and well competitive images/video when your gig is not doing much good

    • Like 9
  6. 1 hour ago, sakib094 said:

    Can I create on my account different gig and service?

    of course you can, and its better to do that.

    Let me tell you my experience, I had this good selling video editing gig that was a general gig for all kinds of editing services. It was doing great with enough orders and nice reviews.

    Meanwhile, I thought of categorizing my services and created a specialized gig for only wedding video editing. When my general editing gig was de-ranking, it was this wedding video editing gig that got continous orders for me.

    So my opinion, always use up all the gig slots to categorize your service and make specialized gigs

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  7. It actually doesn't matter. There are rookie sellers with their gigs on the first page and Top rated sellers with unsearchable gig positioning. It all happens with Fiverr algorhythms. Keep doing quality work and make customers satisfied, then you'll make good sales.

    Seller levels do matter when you do gig pricing. A rookie may not be able to sell a gig at $100 in first go but a Top rated seller can market their value because of their seller level.

    Hope this helps. Cheers

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  8. 9 hours ago, rawque_gulia said:

    If you are unable to lock a deal even after 20 clicks, it means that your gig is not promising (so no one is coming to your inbox), or your negotiation and communication skills are lacking (if people are messaging you but still not able to lock the deal).

    very well said! Fiverr has done its job for the $8 you paid, you've got enough clicks and impressions for at least 2-3 orders.

    So Fiverr has directed buyers to your gig, 20 have clicked to see it, yet you couldn't score an order due to the lack of quality in your gig.

    Just by promoting your gigs Fiverr won't generate orders but only the impressions. So keep promoting your gigs but spend enough time to make it look professional 

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  9. its always difficult to score your first order, you just cant expect you get an order in one night. 

    Spend this initial time to work on your gigs and profile.

    Do research, create very competitive gigs with nice description and samples
    Be professional, use a nice profile picture, nice introduction stating your experience and previous work
    Insert in your descriptions, why they should hire you? What are your skills and pros? Just sell yourself
    Be competitive with your prices until you earn some reviews



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  10. I recently used this "Zoom Call" option that they provide in the chat box for the first time in my Fiverr career. I gave it a try to communicate one of my clients to who had a hard time understanding what I was telling via chat messages, as we found it difficult to mutually understand each other. 

    I politely asked if she's free to make a call so that I can explain the issue and she said its okay at that moment. I had a nice and polite talking with her for about 10-15 mins to explain the issue regarding the orientation of the footage that she provided me to edit. Finally she was able to fully understand the issue and I successfully completed the order with a very good review plus a $20 Tip!!

    So from my experience, it is a very good but very underrated option that sellers frequently tend not to use to understand what the buyer exactly needs. The Fiverr chat box has no option to reply to each statement the buyer says such as in Messenger or WhatsApp so sometimes it might be difficult to understand the conversation. Hence, this is a great option to come into common terms, improve your buyer satisfaction by letting them know that you thoroughly care of what they expect from you.

    Keep in mind that you can't exploit this option, you need to ask their permission to join in to a Zoom call you just can't force them. Don't just straightaway jump into make calls, just use it in occasions where your customer is in a rush and also when there is difficult communication. Also Fiverr keeps recording your entire conversation (audio/video) so they have evidence of wrong doings of either party.

    What are the pros?
    you can easily get a good mutual understanding
    less complicated communication, less rounds of revisions
    better customer satisfaction (high BSR) - good review, high chance of a tip, best for your gig rankings 
    high chance of repeat buyers

    So I guess you got it, why don't you try it?



    call option.png


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  11. I don't think change of the description will affect your current status. If you have lots of clicks yet no new orders, that's something wrong about your description as far as I know. You can try updating the sample work with more advanced, attractive and competitive items. If you have a lot of clicks, I believe the title and sample work doing fine, so could be your description. Make it more simple and easy to read and understand, make the buyer know why should they hire you. Just sell yourself to them, convince them enough to make them put an order. Some nice portfolio would certainly help as well

    • Like 6
  12. Always be fast to respond, talk accurate English and be polite. I'm not the best in the world in video editing, but I made me sell my work for higher prices which was greatly affected by my communication skills. Always deliver quality products and be nice to each and every customer, and I'm sure you'll get amazing results. Communication is a secret magic weapon to boost your sales and earn very nice reviews. Ranking is mainly based on what customer says about you in their published review as well as the secret hidden feedback. Hence, if you are being real nice to them, they won't think twice to give you a nice feedback in return!!

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  13. if currently you are not getting much of orders, concentrate on improving your profile and gigs. Read on this forum how to make them look great, you'll find many tips and tricks.

    After you get an order, then you can think about how to satisfy your customer and earn a good review. So first things first, make your gigs visible > Attract clients and get orders > Complete them with good customer satisfaction

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  14. From my experience, staying online and refreshing your Fiverr page doesn't help at all. Your gig impressions and algorithms go up when you actually do something on fiverr, such as editing gigs, talking with your customers and so on. Merely refreshing the pages don't help. 

    I had this experience of suddenly improve my impressions after a very long chat with one of my customers. So try those stuff!


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