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  1. I've already had a little to do with them a year ago so I think I'm better off giving up. Thanks for the help anyways.
  2. So basically I'm done for and I never will have any way to sell because I messed up with the display name a year ago?
  3. Over a year ago now, I tried fiverr and got rejected pretty quickly, I modified my account to make sure it fits the guidelines, fixed errors and updated my portfolio so I can make a gig, but I can't even go to the Gigs page because "This page is available only to approved Fiverr sellers." which is understandable, but I'd like to get a second look on the profile.
  4. When trying to fix my seller profile, I noticed that the Display Name doesn't work so I changed it multiple times, each and every time I made sure to not break any rules, but it always gets rejected with the message "Choose a different name that complies with our guidelines.". This stops me from finishing the profile, any possible reasons why?
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