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Posts posted by rosalia_la

  1. Hello

    I've been here on Fiverr since January 2023 and since then my highest impressions have been 600 and something and my clicks are 2 to 7, but nowadays my impressions are below 200, should I keep adjusting gigs as impressions go down and what's the average for new sellers?

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  2. 10 hours ago, imagination7413 said:

    I glanced at your Fiverr profile. 

    No, more gigs does not mean more orders, especially when you are breaking Fiverr's rules about duplicate gigs.

    I strongly suggest you read the Terms of Service that you've agreed to before you get in trouble. 

    Yes, but I don't duplicate gigs and I didn't say that more gigs means more orders I was just wondering if it's okay to provide different services. I'm a new seller and I don't understand the marketplace properly so I'm asking 😊

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  3. 10 hours ago, uk1000 said:

    If they're all okay with the rules and they're all active (you can check on the gigs page which are active, plus you can tell by checking your public profile, but there's also something in the help centre to check if it's in the search index properly), then they're ready for selling (ie. the buyer should be able to buy them).

    Though your gigs may get found more easily if you correct any issues with the search tags (eg. you've written "profesional" as a search tag in 5 of the gigs).

    I appreciate you trying to help but I don't quite get it, what am I supposed to do to make the gigs ready to be sold I normally design a photo that suits the required frame to attract buyers and I guess that's what should do can you elaborate please? Also what's wrong about writing "professional" as a search tag in more than one gig can you elaborate 

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  4. after what period of time I become a level one seller or at least not a new seller? my impressions are high once and once again they're not ,how to get my first order and how the selling process work because I almost have seen every YouTube video about selling on Fiverr and none of them helped 

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