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  1. Edit: So I contacted customer service to know what it is it that I did they responded with the same email they already sent me lol. Can anyone here please tell me if the fiverr customer service is operated by humans or by bots I did respond asking them again to clarify the issue(my gig still don't load any info about why is what disabled) and I'm waiting for another response.. I head that fiverr sometimes denies gigs by mistake because they use an automated process but I'm getting nothing from the customer service feels like I'm talking to a bot and not a human. Anyway please answer me about my last question I'm thinking of making a new account but would that be considered as a double account? In my new account can I use my profile picture or do I need another one please can anyone here help me because fiverr customer service certainly isn't...
  2. Hello to you all, I finnally started receiving orders for my gig than today out of the blue I receive a message telling me that my account got suspended! I just wanna know what I did, the email I receive only tells me that I violated TOS but what term did I exactly violate how can I know the reason my account got suspened can anyone help me please. I don't remember breaking any rules my gig was up an running for months (it's about webscraping kickstarter.com) this week I finnaly started receiving orders I delivered two of them and was working on the rest but today I wake up to my account suspended! And the best of it all when I click on the red exclamation mark on my gig to learn more why my gig was denied I don't get anything nothing loads! Please is there any chance to get my account back and running or at least know what I did?? My last question I'm thinking about starting all over again and creating a new account but I'm afraid of trigerring the double account TOS violation what can I do please help me...
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