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Posts posted by xixiriimaa

  1. Hello guys I just receive a similar (well same exact message template) message. Safe to say it is a scam and most likely a pishing scam! 

    Its my first time getting these messages and I'm surprised they exist here in fiverr :< take care everyone 

    • Like 6
  2. I recently got a message about someone's project however it seems so shady? Im awaiting for their reply. I told them I'll gladly take the project if the details discussion are not outside fiverr. 

    "👋 Hey , can you help me with

    I am seeking an illustration designer who possesses good skills in creating captivating illustrations. After carefully reviewing your profile, I believe you are well-suited for this project due to your evident expertise and professional portfolio. Your profile description indicates that you are capable of working seamlessly with clients, and I am confident that we can collaborate effectively. As a Chemist
    by profession, I value the importance of precision and attention to detail.

    Complete Project Details - https://shorturl(.)at/rX579"

    (I added parenthesis netween the dot so it wont become a hyperlink i hope, Idon't want anyone to accedintally get pished) 

    "If you have any questions or concerns regarding the project, please feel free to reach out. I understand that I have provided a detailed description, but if there is anything that requires clarification or if you need further information, please don't hesitate to ask. Your understanding and successful collaboration on this project are important to me" 


    Has anyone encountered a similar message? any advice would be such a huge help!!!!

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