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Posts posted by digitalpartners

  1. Hello everyone,

    I wanted to address the recent update regarding Fiverr's decision to lower the lifetime earning threshold from $20,000 to $10,000 for achieving Top Rated Seller status. While I understand that changes are sometimes necessary, I'd like to express my concerns about this particular adjustment.

    Reducing the lifetime earning threshold might inadvertently dilute the value and prestige associated with being a Top Rated Seller. The previous $20,000 threshold served as a recognition for those who had consistently demonstrated a higher level of performance and dedication over a longer period of time. Lowering it to $10,000 could potentially make the achievement more accessible, but it might also diminish the sense of accomplishment for sellers who had worked hard to reach the higher threshold.

    Furthermore, having a higher threshold encouraged sellers to focus on delivering exceptional quality and building long-term relationships with clients. It encouraged a culture of excellence that could be compromised with a lower threshold.

    It's also important to consider the potential impact on buyer perception. Buyers often rely on these status markers to identify sellers with a proven track record of reliability and quality. A lower threshold might lead to more Top Rated Sellers, making it harder for buyers to distinguish among them.

    While I appreciate Fiverr's efforts to make the platform more inclusive, I'm concerned that this particular change might come at the cost of diluting the recognition that the Top Rated Seller status represents. I hope Fiverr will continue to listen to the feedback from both sellers and buyers and consider the long-term implications of such adjustments.

    Thank you for providing a space to share thoughts on this matter. I look forward to hearing from others in the community about their perspectives as well.

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  2. Fiverr Pro and Fiverr Neo: Are Fiverr Pro Members Automatically Approved for Fiverr Neo

    One question that has been on my mind is whether Fiverr Pro members are automatically approved for Fiverr Neo. Since Fiverr Pro is a premium offering, it's natural to wonder if this membership status translates to automatic approval for any new features.

    Do you have any insights to share about Fiverr Pro or optimizing profiles for Fiverr's AI algorithm?

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