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Posts posted by abdul_fardaus

  1. Show appreciation: Thank the person who gave positive feedback, showing professionalism and gratitude.

    Understand specifics: If possible, ask for more details to understand what they liked about your work.

    Reflect and adapt: Consider how to use this feedback to improve your future work.

    Find room for growth: Identify areas where you can make further improvements, even if the feedback was positive.

    Raise the bar: Use positive feedback as motivation to set higher standards for yourself or your team.

    Celebrate together: If it was a team effort, acknowledge and celebrate success with your colleagues.

    Change gradually: Implement improvements step by step to ensure they are effective and lasting.

    Welcome all feedback: Encourage ongoing feedback, both positive and constructive, to foster continuous improvement.

    Stay open-minded: Don't get complacent; always be willing to learn and adapt.

    Track progress: Keep a record of changes and results to demonstrate your commitment to improvement.

    Receiving positive feedback is a chance to grow and perform even better in your work. These steps can help you leverage it for future success.

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