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Posts posted by kholed_f

  1. 3 hours ago, simplyjam said:

    I did. My promotable gigs now show as "unqualified." About 30 days after that, my gigs all disappeared from search as well. I went from 40 orders a month, nearly all 5 star reviews to 0 impressions and no orders, no briefs. According to this forum, this means we received a negative private review and it may take 2-3 months for our accounts to recover. 

    thanks for your answer, did your gigs promotion come back after 2-3 months?

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  2. 32 minutes ago, bilalsarfraz48 said:

    Yes it is possible. Let me explain you everything 

    The fiverr is work on its algorithm and its algorithm can not be predected from anyone (except some);and when you become some then you will earn. 


    And in my theory its algorethm is depends upon following points.

    1. Your gig must be unique.

    2. Your description is also unique . Like dont use chat gpt or copy past but writ it from heart. It also should be unique. 

    3. Galary pic also unique .

    4 video must be uploaded and alSo uniaque . 

    After that check you must get increase impression. When your impressions are increasing it means you will have chance to get order. 


    After getting contacting  please be honest with client. And do and give more than your best . 


    And it is my theory you will get order. 

    I have a question, if we fill in everything such as images, pdfs and videos, if we have completed everything it will push us up the gigs?

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