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Posts posted by sahhart

  1. 10 hours ago, donnovan86 said:

    You have the right to cancel an order if you see that the order guidelines are not ok. 

    If you saw that the project materials were bad and still worked on the project, then delivered, that's on you. It's your right to cancel if you feel the request is not ok. So be more careful next time. 

    At that time I received the project materials after the buyer placed the order, I was very careless at that time and really regretted it. Now my order completion is 0%, what should I do to increase it?

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  2. On 7/14/2023 at 7:18 PM, donnovan86 said:

    In your case you had a pretty bad set of reviews recently. Fiverr also asks people for private reviews, which sellers can't see. Based on your public reviews, I can only assume that you got some bad reviews privately, and that pushes your gig out of search for a while. Because Fiverr promotes people that keep buyers happy, while pushing back those that don't.

    But how do we know Fiverr really takes the buyer's faults into account, too? Last month the buyer canceled his order on the grounds that my work was not good, he also sent bad project materials to me, so it was difficult for me to give maximum results. I haven't gotten another order since then, so sad.

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  3. On 7/7/2023 at 10:52 PM, charlsmcfarlane said:

    Every year I’ve been on Fiverr, I’ve had a more successful year than the last. 2023 has been pretty tough, by comparison.

    I’ve seen a slight decline in impressions but nothing substantial. It seems to just be orders.

    Is this just the rising cost of living and people having less spending power, or is there something else going on?

    Keep your spirits up ! I'm also having trouble getting orders, but while facing that I prefer to hone my skills again so that when there are many orders I'm not overwhelmed 🙂

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  4. Hello everyone, I'm Sahrul.

    I am a student who lives alone in a city far from my family. I want to make money for my needs as a student and I started joining Fiverr last December 2022. I made several gigs regarding graphic design services such as illustrations, line art for manuals, and others. As of April 2023 I have not received my first order I am very confused and a little desperate because my laptop is broken. Until finally I decided to go to the city library to use a public computer. There I could spend the whole day using the library's computers to learn more about Fiverr. I started joining freelancer Fiverr groups and communicating with many other sellers.

    Until one day I got excited from the morning going to the city library and as usual saw the progress of my Fiverr account while looking for references for my graphic designs. In the afternoon I was tired, still no orders had come in and I decided to go home from the library. When I arrived at my boarding house, I saw an incoming message in the Fiverr application on my smartphone. It turned out to be a message from a buyer who needed an illustration for his online game store. I immediately replied with happiness, finally the moment I've been waiting for came too. I started drawing the illustration he wanted and showed it to him. He really liked the result and started digitizing my drawings in Adobe Illustrator. After sending the order I get 5 stars and good reviews from him.

    I am so grateful to have had that moment and will never forget it. Thank you for reading my story, I will tell another day 🙂



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