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Posts posted by dypream

  1. On 4/15/2023 at 6:33 PM, imran_khan3 said:

    Hello, I am a level 2 seller on Fiver and 3month back they Restricted my account and i got my account back after a lot of efforts on 8th March. Since then all my Gigs are down with no impression and clicks. 

    i have completed 8 order after that with 5 star rating and before also my Rating is 5 with 200+ orders. still my Gigs are not coming into search. i dont know why.

    i was doing great before and my Gigs were on Frist Page with main keywords but now these are not appearing into Search. i contacted support many times but nobody ready to help, they even don't know why this happened. while i am sure this is happened due to they restrict my account and may be still they restricted my Gigs from being search by clients. Right now support is not answering my query. is there anybody here who can help me to understand and solve this problem please ?

    they hide all my gigs at search engine until today,. its been 3 weeks , sad me

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  2. On 5/11/2023 at 8:40 PM, rk_rezuan said:

    At 1st check if you have active gigs and if they do appear in the search result, go to Contact Us» Selling on Fiver»rGigs» Gig not found when searched. to find your gigs are active or not. Btw if they do they will show something like this,

    Gig status: Active

    Your Gig is active and appears in search results.

    Note! Algorithms use quality & business measurements to sort search result pages—users get optimized and personalized results.

    OH MAN,. im already check it 3 weeks ago ,. we are here ,come to forum ,. because we want some HUMAN from fiverr respond us, after all we can do at customer support and not get what we need to know ,. and i have no income this 3 weeks ,. because all my gigs cant be found.

    did you have other solution ?

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