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Posts posted by kyokito

  1. Hello! I would like to know if someone has dealt with this before...
    Some days ago, someone sent me a message to say "hi" casually, asked me if I remembered them, said they were "Crimson X". I wondered if maybe it was an old customer, but I didn't remember anyone with that username, I looked it up on my inbox and nothing. I said "no, sorry", and then I'm told by this person that if I don't recognize their username is probably because someone was using my page to commit fraud. They advertised MY gig on Reddit and Discord (I have NEVER advertised my gig anywhere) and then made this person pay OUTSIDE Fiverr (via Paypal) and blocked them, keeping the money. 

    I felt bad for the person, but of course there was nothing I could do. Then, yesterday SOMEONE ELSE APPROACHES ME telling me the SAME EXACT THING. That someone on reddit tried to entice them to write with them outside Fiverr, that they simply show my gig so the person thinks it's me and, because I have a lot of positive reviews, the person thinks they're a trust-worthy seller and sadly bite the bait. I already stated on my profile that I do NOT have any account outside Fiverr (related to the service I offer) and it still happened. I don't even know what I can do, I was given the username but the person looks for the victims through private message and through discord servers. Has anyone dealt with this before? I'm concerned because not only does this taint my reputation, one of this people also told me he was extremely close to report my account for fraud 😢 

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  2. Is user profile different than seller profile? I go by a "nickname" in my seller profile, but I was re-reading tos and it says we cannot use nicknames in our USER PROFILES, but says nothing about seller profiles. How can I access to user profile? 

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  3. I lost level 2 because I got a 89% drop response last month, and no matter how many NEW messages I reply immediately for the last weeks I STILL DON'T GO UP. Sometimes I go to 89%, then immediately go back to 88% even THOUGH I'VE REPLIED TO EVERYTHING. I contacted CS about this and they didn't help, so I guess I'm just STUCK like this for at least another month, and since I'm 88% and evaluations are on May 16th I will be demoted to NEW SELLER. Is this even possible or will I just get banned? 

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