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Posts posted by necramedia

  1. I have noticed a increase in buyers who order, but than do not fill in the requirements, like, how can i start your order, if you dont let me know what you want done? Some noted they did add the download link, some stated they did send it through using Fiverr, but i don't believe that seeing it worked in the past or Fiverr has changed it's order system, i have not ordered in a while so i don't know.

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  2. I have the same issue, client ordered something, i stated the results will not be to his satisfaction (A.I upscale, where he wanted the car license plates to be more clearer, i told him, it's not possible, as the quality of the video is too low, he still insisted in ordering). He was not satisfied with the result, even though he accepted my recommendation that it will not turn up out as he want to. He instantly called me out for being a scammer while he accepted the order. Now he wants a full refund. Like, hello??? You accept to buy a order that will not end up looking good, than complain it does not look good? I have contacted support, but with Easter weekend, i fear i will get no reply back soon. I'm sad this still happens on Fiverr, that someone can order from your gig, cancel it and get your work for free.

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  3. Another example of a new system that states "if its not broken, don't fix it".

    I delivered a order within one day, they added this to the review:





    Delivery time



    I hate people...

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  4. One thing that needs to change, is that we need to see the buyers review and rating BEFORE we put up our review and rating of this buyer. Two times now i was scammed by someone, who orders something, makes vague requests, i never get a reply on if the order was correct and to their wishes, they just ghost me, never reply and time runs out for the order to be delivered and when you deliver they give you a 1 star rating!

    This is like the only sellers site that i know, where you see reviews after you responded to them! This works against the sellers as it hurts their business when scammers abuse this!

    We can of course reply to their reviews these days, but still.

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  5. To prevent this from happening, make a intro video for your gig, recording yourself with video, to show future clients that you are indeed recording it yourself and it's not A.I!

    To fight scammers, i give them a sample first, in my case i am a video editor/ai upscaler, so i plaster a giant watermark on my video before they get the final result. This way, if they like the results, they can agree to finalize the order and they will get a none watermark version.

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  6. I don't know how to feel about all of this, because why would i wanna create ANOTHER account on Fiverr as we are already struggling to keep up with our normal accounts. I think these whole new set of products is actually the downfall for low tier sellers, because it will suggest high top rated experts to buyers, ignoring the lower seller jobs. I'm still offering below 100, so I'm screwed, thanks Fiverr!!

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  7. So, because i am sick of people scamming me, i am thinking of people giving a sample of their order first, in my case, i edit video's, i encountered a scammer method, for example i have had a scammer ask for infinite revisions (buyers getting unlimited revisions is honestly a disservice towards the sellers, there should be a limit!), or after i delivered the video they ask for a revision they cancel the order. They get the order, and they get their money back! And i as a seller get a bad reputation!

    So i want to give them a sample first, basically have a giant transparent watermark over the video, and after they accepted the order give them the full order. Is this allowed by Fiverr?

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