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Posts posted by livincrefcoeur

  1. Hello everyone, 


    So prehaps i misse something but i don't understand why you would want to add coupon on custom order. Recently i made nearly all my sell on board game desing, since it varies greatly i work only base on custom order. Why would i offer a coupon, who have strict limitation (for exemple i coudn't offer half price on the second order since my coupon can only be set up to 30%), when i can just adjust my offer. Like recently i had a client who order a list of product that would reach 240$ but offer to do it all for 200$, thus effectively doing a 20% reduction. And i manage all that without the use of coupon. 


    For me the use of coupon on personalise offer feel like using bottle water to flush your toilet : an expensive (since i need to get a subscription to have them) and limitting  solution to a problem i didn't have in the first place

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  2. The rate they take short stories in magazines is in many occasions 0,01$ per word. So 500 words would be taken at 5$ (it is truly horrible since it's the same price Isac Asimov was selling is stories before he was famous in 1950). And a lot of applications get rejected

    If I can do 500 words in 1h, and receive 20$ for it, I am being paid 0,04$/word. More than what I can expect in the industry. 

    I must specify prehaps I am talking about fiction gosthwritting. 


    The whole point of that low-cost gig (so 20$) was to attract the buyer so i could behind charge higher margins extra, like proofreading, extra lore, maps... With the entry price at 40$ is more difficult to get buyers.


    Thanks for the answerd neverless

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  3. Fiveer just change so i had to increase my gig from 20 to 40$ for the basic package. I usually make my calculation so i ask 20$/hour while working. And the gig i offer was talking me about 1h, so i was happy with the pricing. But now as they ask 40$ it is becoming quite expensive for client to order for me. Alredy, with the previous price i was getting about 4 time more than the industry average (wich is still not enough to live completly out of this, but it's not the point either). I feel like with this change fiveer reduce my chance of getting order


    Thank you in advance for your answer

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