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Posts posted by contraponta

  1. 52 minutes ago, markp said:

    If anyone from the university wants to do this, they need to get permission from Fiverr. not go around contacting individual sellers.

    i was contacted about this, and I offered this as a solution, and it was declined because the interview has to be recorded and they wanted to do a Zoom call. I don't think any seller will be comfortable with this as its not for an order or a potential order. 

    I wouldn't mind answering a couple of questions to help in a study, but I agree that their approach is not ideal. I will ask the support how to proceed and, if the given solution doesn't work for the students, then I won't be able to help them anyway.

    Thank you for the suggestion.

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  2. Hi, everyone!

    I know that contacting clients outside of Fiverr's platform is against the TOS. I'm ok with that and even like it, to be honest. Though, a group of students from the University of Groningen are conducting research as part of a larger research project on the use of generative AI by freelancers, and asked me if I could help them by answering a couple of questions on that topic.

    Is it ok if they send me a Googe Meet link and I attend it? Because I definitely don't want to get in trouble while trying to help them.

    It wouldn't be anything work-related, of course.


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