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About shivamagarwal33

  • Birthday March 3

shivamagarwal33's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

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  1. Hope you doing well! Let me give you a bit of context about myself. I recently joined Fiverr a few days back, in hope of gaining some real work experience in my newly switched field. I was doing a part-time job before this and was making just enough, but was not contempt with my mundane routine at all. Since I joined, its been an eye opener. People making decent money with the flexibility of their own schedule is truly amazing. I haven't received any gigs yet but there is one issue which I would love to discuss with my fellow community members. I lost one potential client from a different country because of the time zone difference. I was not able to reply back fairly quickly, and by the time I saw the text, the person had already closed the chat. I would love to pick your brain on it. Regards Shiv
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