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Posts posted by jcolvin

  1. I am in the place. I am not sure why I was rejected at all. I posted a gig for editing, proofing, and APA formatting documents. My gig was instantly rejected when published. Exactly 2 minutes later, I got an email stating that my profile was rejected, similar to what others shared.

    I, of course, searched for a reason, which brought me to this site. Let me share that not only did I write my profile and gig, I went over and beyond to create additional questions and FAQ. I will also note that I am well-qualified for the gig and overqualified compared to sellers with similar offerings. 

    After receiving my rejection, I sent an email to support to ask for a rationale and how I may learn from errors in my profile or listing and move forward. About two hours later, I received a short reply. They did not provide any additional information from the denial. The message only restated what had occurred, I applied and was rejected, and the decision cannot be changed. However, they told me that I was welcome to continue using the site as a buyer.

    I am not usually one to go into extreme depth on this sort of thing, but this one just really rubbed me the wrong way. The pdf attached is my reply. It is long, but the short version is that I am a highly educated professional in this niche with many letters after my name and have many years of experience not only doing but teaching and writing university standards editing and formatting. I am by every account an expert within this niche, and if anything over qualified to do this gig. I find it interesting that "after careful consideration," I was denied... the careful consideration lasted two minutes from when I submitted my first gig.

    Nonetheless, to all who have had similar challenges, many alternatives exist. It would appear that their platform is flooded, often with poorly qualified freelancers, and you may be rejected for any random reason. They do not and seemingly will not provide any rationale for their decisions, which, as stated in their reply, cannot be changed once it is made.


    Fiver Customer Service 2.pdf

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