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Posts posted by zakir360

  1. On 9/10/2023 at 8:21 AM, designcore69 said:

    What should I do when a fake buyer messages me? I have blocked him without giving any reply. Now I am seeing my inbox response rate going down. What should I do Now ? What is the actual steps I need to take in this type of situation?

    Say I am not interested. And rest will do Fiverr....

    • Like 4
  2. 6 minutes ago, vickieito said:

    Same thing. If the withdrawal is successful, you won't be able to reverse it. You'll have to go to Payoneer to access the funds. If ithe withdrawal is unnsuccessful, then the funds will stay in your Fiverr account.

    withdraw is successful but pending in payoneer.....

    • Like 5
  3. 2 minutes ago, vickieito said:

    Hi @zakir360

    No - once money is withdrawn successfully from Fiverr, it can't be returned. You will have to go to your Paypal account to access your funds.

    Thanks you for your word but I don't use PayPal I have Payoneer!!!

    • Like 8
  4. 16 minutes ago, carrotymusic said:

    I understand and share your frustration! I ran into this twice! But we, as sellers, cannot change anything in the algorithms and can only adapt to them!


    On 6/5/2023 at 12:13 AM, lacroix88 said:

    1 month I get dozens and dozens of orders (forcing me to work almost 14 hours a day due to overexposure) the next month I get completely blacked out by the search engines,I had so many orders that I had to refund 2 of them and I didn't get below 95% completion rate.

    Thousands of dollars came in,but,I don't want to be on the front page forever,but this up and down so drastic I don't think is normal.

    IF you have too many order then hire someone or built a company ....

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  5. 25 minutes ago, venonusa said:

    what we want to tell you is that staying online like watch 🧐 your Fiverr seller page and "reload" the page... browsing the forum,  watch 🧐 your gigs and "Reload" the page, does not lead to any results and it doesn't move anything to the algorithm... 

    I want to tell you this If a new seller stays online he/she has a higher chance to get an order often buyer search for the online seller so new seller can take that chance...

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  6. 14 hours ago, filipdevaere said:

    When I search on “data entry”: 66,848 services available

    When I search on “lead generation”: 30,659 services available

    When I search on “virtual assistant”: 34,537 services available


    You created 3 gigs with a lot of competition.

    YES these service is available but all these are not active gig there is some gig which provide good quality of service all you have to do is you have to provide best quality of service....

    • Like 7
  7. 17 hours ago, filipdevaere said:

    Staying active or being online is useless. 

    If a seller is not active online then how will he/she communicate with buyers you are suggesting everybody to publish your gig and then sleep all your job is done this is so funny !!! I believe that every new seller must be active on Fiverr....

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