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Posts posted by j_c_consulting

  1. Its different for every freelancer, every category and every gig.

    For me it took 2 weeks, Ive worked with others that took 3 months and heard of people who waited a year.

    Keep improving your gigs , testing tags , pricing , offerings etc and you will get there!

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  2. Hello David,

    Welcome to fiverr as a seller!

    Fiverr doesnt allow for seperate profiles for seperate skill sets, however what your describing is your gigs.

    You can make one gig for videos and one for voice, and in each gig you can illustrate your skills and experience in each vocation.

    Your gigs are the first place most sellers will see your profile!

    Best of luck!

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  3. Hey there,

    It can be tricky when your gig doesnt directly align with the fiverr categories.

    For me, my marketing plan gig is under Digital Marketing : Marketing Strategy : Marketing Plans

    Best of luck!

    • Like 1
  4. Hey there,

    Gig is looks really good , its a great start!

    Ive only got a few little reccomendations after taking a look:

    1. I would update the title, its not grammatically correct "I will expert figma, xd, PSD to wordpress conversion in elementor"

    2. I would add a video in to your gig, videos are always great for SEO and standing out

    3. Use all the work example options you get in the gig gallery section

    Best of luck, Im sure it will go well!

    • Like 3
  5. Hey there,

    Great start on your gig!

    Keep working on it and optimising it and you will see results with perseverance and planning.

    I have taken a quick look at your gig and I have a few recommendations :

    1. I would add a video in, preferably of yourself speaking about the gig , your experience and why buyers should pick you. Its important to showcase yourself and give a connection to buyers.

    2. I would optimise your tags, your "mobileappdevelopment" tag is all one word and I dont think it would be helping.

    3. Update your description with a "why me" section about yourself, and use the stylisation tools to make important phrases or sentences stand out

    I wish you the best of luck!


    • Like 6
  6. Hey Zubair,

    Getting your first order on fiverr can be very hard, dont lose hope though, you just need to keep at it , keep optimising and improving your gigs and you will get there!

    Ive taken a quick look at your profile and gigs, your profile looks great, but there is a few things I would recommend to improve your gigs:

    1. Your gig photos arent the correct size, the text on the photos is cut off and not showing correctly.

    2. I would add 3 photos to your gigs, one advertising what you do, one with more information and one about yourself and your experience

    3. Videos for gigs help greatly, I would definitely reccomend making a video of yourself to showcase that you are a real professional

    4. Definitely adding example work to your gigs, you can do this in the gallery section and can add up to two examples

    Its a long road, but if you keep at it you can get there!

    Best of luck!

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  7. Hey there,

    Welcome to fiverr!

    Gig impressions can go up and down quite rapidly, I don't know how many impressions you are getting but its not unusual for them to be down some days and up others.

    Ive taken a quick look at your gigs, in terms of SEO Ive got a few recommendations:

    1. Your gig tags are using key words that you already have in your gig title and description, use tag keywords that arent in your title or description

    2. If you are targeting english speaking users, theres a few spelling mistakes in your gig titles and photos ( In your wordpress SEO gig you have spelt Wordpress incorrectly)

    3. Your FAQ section in some of your gigs has grammatical and spelling errors ( for example, the following FAQ in your wordpress gig doens't make sense:

    "I can do any question about website SEO and Ranking.

    Congratulations! You can any questions about search engine optimization and Ranking." )

    These are just a few little things, keep improving and optimising your gigs and you should see improvement soon!

    Best of luck!

    • Like 5
  8. Hey there,

    Good Question!

    Fiverr keeps a tight lid on the specifics (for good reason, I would assume to stop people gaming the system), but the video was probably referring to where your gig ranks on the search results.

    This takes into account many different aspects, some include :

    • Gig Title
    • Gig Tags
    • Gig Description
    • Gig Reviews
    • Your profile (location, languages spoken, tests taken, level etc)

    This isnt everything, your entire profile and gig affect where you rank.

    When you are just starting out, focus on filling out every possible aspect of your profile, and ensure that you have keywords you think your potential customers will be using in your gig.

    Best of luck!

    • Like 2
  9. Hey,

    As the previous commenter said, you cant contact clients outside of fiverr. 

    To add on, there is no good reason a client would want to contact you outside of Fiverr. Fiverr has inbuilt chat that can support video calls, attachments or anything the client could need.

    I would report these people immediately, it won't affect your reply rate.

    Best of luck!

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