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Posts posted by genesis_0

  1. 8 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

    I am not a fan of center alignment. It makes your post challenging to read. 

    Thank you for your response. I understand that you're not a fan of center alignment, and I appreciate your feedback. However, I do believe that the way a post is formatted can significantly impact its readability and visual appeal

    That being said, I must admit that I was not aware of the importance of formatting until I came across Smashradio's brief explanation on the topic. His insight has been invaluable in helping me understand how to make my posts more accessible and enjoyable for readers

    So, while I understand your preference for a different formatting style, I must give credit where credit is due. Smashradio deserves thanks for their helpful explanation on the topic, and I'm grateful to have learned from his expertise.

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  2. 8 hours ago, smashradio said:

    This depends on what and how you edit. If your edits are bad, it can affect your visibility on Fiverr. Let's say you have a good gig thumbnail, and you replace it with a bad one. That can cause your clicks, conversion rate and orders to drop, causing you to rank lower in search. That's just an example. But people need to understand that it's not the act of editing causing issues, but all edits should be purposeful and improve your gig, not make it worse. 

    With that said, you're asking: 

    It can absolutely affect your ranking. If you replace keywords that aren't really relevant or searched for with more relevant ones, it can improve. Conversely, if you replace relevant keywords with irrelevant ones, you'll be impacted negatively. Gig titles also need to convert, meaning they should entice the buyer to click on your gig and order, so a good gig title can increase the number of orders you get, your conversion rate and revenue, all factors playing a part into how visible you are on the platform. 

    As far as I know, having orders in your queue won't have an effect either way. 

    Regarding gig "rank": 

    There's no such thing as a fixed "gig rank". Your visibility on Fiverr depends on many factors, such as how relevant the algorithm thinks your gig is, your performance, buyer satisfaction rate, selling price etc. It changes based on your gigs, the buyer searching and your performance on Fiverr. 


    Hope this helps!

    Thanks for your brief explanation, Really appreciate + it super helpful!

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  3. Hi everyone 🥺

    I hope this message finds you well. I have a question regarding editing my gig tags on Fiverr. I have read from many of you that changing gig descriptions, pricing, images, and videos will not affect my gig ranking, which I have tested and found to be true. However, I am now curious if changing my gig's search tags or title will have an impact on my gig's ranking.

    I have also heard that editing gigs while having orders in the queue will not affect my gig's rank. Since I currently have four orders in my queue, I want to put this theory to the test. But before I do, I would love to hear from you all about your experiences with editing gig tags, particularly while having orders in the queue. Has anyone done this before, and did it affect your gig ranking or proceed smoothly?

    I appreciate any input or advice you may have on this topic, and I thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

    Best regards, Genesis 

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