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Posts posted by ashikahmed_uiux

  1. Hello cally, thanks for your response. As you are experienced, ofcourse your observation is the accurate one. So, I think sticking to fiverr's suggestions would be the best approach.

    And the 3rd point, let's take an example (UI/UX design). It's good to have 1 or 2 sample work image which are very clear. But some raising talent badge holders have lot of screenshots of their app design and put them together in an image. So, following fiverr's recommendations I was creating my gig image. But when I looked at some raising talents gigs I saw most of them are making images crowded with screenshots. Again, I might be wrong, because i am new here and doing gig research for just a few weeks.

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  2. Hello, I am a new seller on fiverr. While doing gig research I found a lot of contradictions between what fiverr suggests and what successful sellers are doing. Can someone help to to understand properly? May be I am wrong, but please help me to understand the matter so that I can design my gigs accordingly. I am giving some examples below.

    1) Fiverr suggests to make gig title short and clear. But most of the successful sellers (level 2, top) make title so much optimized that it seems like full of keywords and it has no clear meaning.

    2) Fiverr suggests to use short and clear text on gig image, I completely agree with this point. But again, when I shortlist some successful gigs, I found most of them r doing exactly the opposite.

    3) If I visit some raising talent badge, I see many things which are not suggested by fiverr. But they are handpicked gigs by fiverr.

    May be I am wrong, can anyone discuss the topic with me?

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