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Posts posted by ultramusicpromo

  1. Thanks so much for your post! It definitely helps me feel like I'm not alone when swimming up the tide, advancing in levels. 

    Unfortunately it did give me a little heartbreak and wished I was still a lower level, back when I received 75% more orders than I do now. You never know what you have until you lose it! I would exchange my Level 2 badge for my Level 1 badge and +75% business any day 😉

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  2. 10 hours ago, leannelrivers said:

    If you do that, you won't have an account to worry about because you'll be banned from using the platform altogether. 

    The last few weeks and months have been rough for everyone, regardless of level or experience. I doubt it has anything to do with going from level 1 to level 2. It's good to refresh your gigs and keywords, but each time you faff around with them, it will affect your visibility if you've changed something that needs approval. 

    Do you honestly think by sabotaging yourself, you'll get more work? You'll get even less visibility. 

    oof, that's good to know and I'm glad I asked. But yes, I honestly believe it was too coincidental to have the sudden drop-off overnight from Level 1 to Level 2. 

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  3. Ever since being "promoted" to Level 2 in January, traffic has been a complete joke, to the point of me considering discontinuing my services closing up shop altogether. It was literally night-and-day between Level 1 and Level 2, dropping about 75% in sales overnight, and it still hasn't budged since. I've tried every tip and trick provided by the community to tweak my gigs, and nothing helped. It's incredibly surprising that Fiverr's algorithm punishes growing salespeople. Is there any way possible to demote my account to Level 1? I've actually even considered making a 2nd account to place fake orders on my primary account, to purposely ignore them and force my "Inbox/order response rate, delivered on time, and order completion" percentage below 90% to drain my level. 

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  4. I've been selling on Fiverr since 2020. I leveled up to Level 2 mid-January 2023, and February has been my worst month by FAR. I net an average of $130/month with my gigs, and this month I reaped a whopping $4. At this point, I'm seriously considering purposely tarnishing my account to be "penalized" to decrease back to Level 1. 

    Has anyone experienced something similar?

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