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Everything posted by stargazer_arts

  1. Hello, I'm a 3D designer who has expertise in CAD programs and 3D rendering. I have so many years of experience working with so many clients. Last night, I tried to create a gig on Fiverr. This morning, I got the same error message. What's disappointing is that they don't specify why my gig wasn't approved. It looks like they have limited my account, so I can't create a new gig. It appears from reading earlier posts on this forum that the work is of low quality. I'm genuinely curious. I have attached my work samples and the images I used in my gig (3D modeling) . I'd appreciate it if someone could tell me if it was the poor quality of my gig or something else that caused them to disapprove of it and limit my account. I don't mind if you openly tell me your work is not qualified for this platform. Thanks,
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