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Posts posted by create_with_ben

  1. ChatGPT seems to be stalking me. It's the reason I haven't created any gigs on Fiverr yet, as I'm trying to formulate a writing strategy that will be as GPT-immune as possible. At this point, I'm gravitating toward offering creative writing services, op-eds, and GPT-generated article fact-checking and revising. 

    What I can say on the GPT front is be afraid. Be very afraid. In the iGaming industry in Malta where I hail from, we've been using GPT (not chat) since 2020 to create the bulk of our digital marketing collateral. Not solely GPT. We, of course, still keep real writers on the books, but at this point, we are recruiting fewer and those writers are really just editing GPT-derived content to make it more relevant for 2023 audiences. Do we suffer at an SEO front? No. Sorry. At my company, we had to halt all Visa transactions in December for a day and took a huge nosedive in daily takings and onboarding of new customers. Literally, every piece of damage containment marketing collateral that we put out after was largely derived from GPT.  It needed to be. It's fast. The next day, we didn't have a problem. 

    As a writer myself, this is why I'm now looking to go freelance or upskill in another field within iGaming,

    Basically, AI can pull your job from under you if you are a writer, artist, or similar creative. I can also promise you that right now, there is a GPT spider-like piece of code crawling this and every other forum post out there on the Internet tasked with learning how to be more personable and human-authentic.

    The battle is on!

    This is why I'm gravitating to creating more creative writing-styled gigs. All my own tests with Chatgpt prove to me what should be obvious to everyone. The one thing it lacks is imagination. Perhaps with GPTchat, we'll actually see a market dynamic flip that sees creativity become cool again, after a decade or two where savvy writers who should have been authors just became senseless drones for behemoth marketing machines like the company I still work for.

    Who knows?

    BTW this post was all written using GPTchat.

    Only Joking. 😅 It really wasn't.


    Or was it.....


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  2. Hi Fiverr Team,

    Tonight I have bitten the bullet and joined Fiverr. Atm, I just have two quick questions about the seller profile setup procedure.

    From the experience of existing sellers, is it beneficial to add non-university academic qualifications? Mine aren't relevant to what I plan to sell here, nor are they (I assume) verifiable by Fiverr. Given this, I haven't added any. 

    Second, I'm a little confused by the option to add a personal website. By highlighting this as private, does this mean that Fiverr users/buyers won't be able to see links for this on my profile or gig pages? If not, I won't invest in setting up my own website. 

    Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, so thank you in advance.



  3. Hi Fiverr Team!

    My name is Ben and I'm a brand new seller here on Fiverr - almost. So far, I've only created my Fiverr account and done some preliminary work on my profile. Gig wise, it looks like I might need at least a week to really set something up. By no means does setting up a gig seem difficult. Atm, I'm just having to think about how I try to stand out and how I'm going to price myself in this market. 

    Does this make me a lazy newbie? 🤔 I hope not! 😅

    I'm guessing that if I start off by doing one thing right, I should introduce myself to the team here already. So Hi!!

    I look forward to working with you all in future here on Fiverr - And hopefully sooner rather than later. 🤞



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