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  1. ChatGPT is heavily biased towards certain content. I like it well enough, but I wouldn't ever stress about it replacing me. If anything the benefits it has brought to my daily life have more than offset the disadvantages. I have used it enough to quickly realize something: It gets things wrong. A lot. I don't mean just technical stuff either. I am talking about the extremely basic stuff. It is a solid program, and a fantastic tool. It really helps when I am feeling pressured with something and I need a breakthrough. That said, I almost never follow it's recommendations word for word. It is a word salad generator that has the ability to kinda follow complex logic and present reasonable ideas. Not because it is smart, but because it is using the laws of averages.
  2. Yeah, a bunch of people posting negative stuff on Twitter is probably SOP for the different freelance websites. It is easy to create something that can spam a bunch of 'lifelike' complaints. I am not sure how it is 'easy' to get rid of scammers. I would point out that my 'promotion as compensation' is the only 'easy' solution to dealing with scammers. Consider: I make a new account. Fiverr reaches out to me with a job. (Note that the conditions for what they look for aren't transparent. So it isn't easy for scammers to figure out the conditions) They offer me a job. I do the job. If they like the job, they do a free promotional gig for me. I think that the issue is that you are too used to being on Fiverr. I am a newbie and no one really knows if I am 'real' person or a scammer. I have clients that pay me very well to edit their books, but because that is all word of mouth it doesn't help me use a job board to find new clients. I get seven gigs on Fiverr. Every client that has hired me has liked the results, but it is always small fry offers. Honestly, I would rather do ten 'free' gigs to earn some credibility real fast than to be forced to negotiate 5-20 dollar. This applies to other sites and not just Fiverr, there is absolutely nothing more annoying that putting up with someone who is trying to negotiate me from 20 dollars to 19 dollars. I have better things to do than argue over pocket change.
  3. I don't think this is just Fiverr, but freelance boards in general. I would agree but the man-power requirements of vetting tons of posts would be tremendous. I do agree about using the internal work pool of freelancers to put the stuff together, but it is still a huge project. I think a 'job and review' by Fiverr would go a long way to boosting some of the newbies credibility. In my mind this needs to be a semi-proactive thing from the sellers. In order to protect against scammers they would need to: Not make any clear instructions on the process. Make it appear random. Have some form a selection process Promoting specific accounts on their social media would be more than enough compensation for a freelancer, imo. I still think that the problem there is the liability aspect for Fiverr, but I would love to see it happen. I just don't think they can do it legally speaking.
  4. I can't find anything written down about it to be honest. It has become a real headache. I want some specifics about how it works.
  5. I have now seen several contradictory statements about bringing my own business, but I can't find it on the support/education pages. Can someone provide me an official area to look at? This is a big deal, because I could have had several clients on here and I could use them to boost my visibility. But I don't see/find anything explaining it in concrete terms. I believe it is 'no fee', but the references are all from the past, and I would prefer something that is up to date. For example: How do I transfer them over? I heard something referring to custom gigs or whatever. Long story short, I find a lot of contradictions to the information available.
  6. I am going to be honest, I am just passing through. Love the guide @mabelma . I am not exactly sure what you are asking the guy about. It sounds like you are wanting to know if he is using this material elsewhere, and if you guys can use it. As something that would be potentially profitable, I would hope you find better phrasing and be more clear in terms and conditions. Just a friendly observation from a passerby.
  7. Sorry, can't resist. I just read a hilarious thread. This would normally be a 'hello all' type post. If you want to throw a newbie some good advice, I won't refuse it. But I actually got on to read other threads. So watch out. I am doing this thing called studying.
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