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Posts posted by emmanuellacoste

  1. AI is definitely going to revolutionize writing and other graphic related fields. The same concerns and conversation were had when spellcheck was created and when photographers said that digital cameras were going to end the industry. The reality is technology evolves and in the long runs, make professionals better.

    In the case of writing, I can see AI replacing some low end content, but I can also see where freelance writers, myself included, can now produce more work by using AI writing tools as a foundation to build on. Like it or not, the technology is here, it will continue to evolve, grow and eventually create great writing. A freelance professional writers, I recommend you look into how to incorporate AI into your workflow.


    The term work flow comes from my photography background. I held out on digital photography and because of that, loss time and had to catch up with the industry. In photography, I have a constant flow of work from shooting, to memory card to editing, publishing and selling. 


    I believe that writer should learn to create a work flow that incorporates AI and use that to increase their overall client base, revenue streams and eventually alternative revenue stream.


    Using AI generate basic generic content is actually a possible market for many of the freelancer on this site. Some client just want content, other want quality. Both need to be provided. 

    Business owners and buyers will not all learn to use AI effectively. The quality of the draft produce by AI is only as good as the input you as the writer put in. Input and output. The more details, ideas and guidance you give, the better the initial draft will be. 

    What do I know, I like spell check and granary. I think AI and I are going to be great friends.


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