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Status Updates posted by limon906

  1. I will setup google analytics 4, ga4 ecommerce tracking, and conversion tracking by GTM

    I'm a qualified Google Analytics 4 (GA4), Google Ads, and Google Tag Manager Expert. Worked more than 3+ years in this industry.


    I will setup or fix errors in google analytics 4, Gads Conversion tracking, and e-commerce tracking for your websites through GTM or Fb Pixel. I will track the entire visitor behavior journey with every interaction.

    These data metrics and dimensions will help to make the right decisions and grow your business.


    Service Includes:

    • Installing GA4 and GTM 
    • Activate Google Signals for personalized ads in GA4
    • Configure Google Ads conversion tracking.
    • Configure remarketing audience in GA4.
    • Configure Enhanced ECommerce tracking (using data layer)
    • Configure GA4 Ecommerce Tracking
    • Configure Form tracking(contact form 7, WP form, Calendly form, etc).
    • Configure Enhanced measurement tracking (page views, Scrolls, Outbound clicks, Site search, Video engagement, file download, etc.)
    • Configure form submissions, button clicks, link clicks, phone calls, and more. Tracking Tag.



    Linkedin (1280 × 769px) (2).jpg

  2. My last three months' Gigs activity. Is it ok or not and what should I do? I had completed two works yet. But recently I haven't had any kind of response like a massage click etc. Please suggest me.🙏 

    Profile link- https://www.fiverr.com/limon906

    My last Three month Gigs activity. Is it ok or not and what should i do please suggest me.png

  3. 🚀 Skyrocket Your Online Sales with Professional Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking! 📊🛍️
    Are you struggling to understand your customers' behavior and boost sales on your e-commerce website? Let me help you harness the power of Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking!
    ✅ Uncover Deep Insights: With precise tracking, you'll get a clear picture of what products are popular, where your customers are coming from, and which marketing campaigns are driving revenue.
    ✅ Optimize Your Strategy: Armed with invaluable data, you can make data-driven decisions to improve your online store's performance, optimize product pages, and enhance the overall shopping experience.
    ✅ Maximize Your Marketing ROI: Stop wasting money on ineffective marketing efforts. My Ecommerce Tracking service will help you identify high-performing campaigns, allowing you to invest your resources wisely.
    Why Choose Me?
    🔹 3+ Years of Experience: As a seasoned freelance expert, I have a proven track record of helping businesses succeed with Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking.
    🔹 Tailored Solutions: Every business is unique, and I'll customize the tracking to match your specific goals and requirements.
    🔹 Ongoing Support: I'm committed to your success. I'll provide continuous support to ensure you get the most out of your analytics.
    📣 Don't miss out on this opportunity to take your online business to new heights! Comment "Interested" below, and let's schedule a free consultation to discuss how my Ecommerce Tracking service can supercharge your sales!

    ga4 fACEB00K.jpg

  4. 🚀 Skyrocket Your Online Sales with Professional Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking! 📊🛍️
    Are you struggling to understand your customers' behavior and boost sales on your e-commerce website? Let me help you harness the power of Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking!
    ✅ Uncover Deep Insights: With precise tracking, you'll get a clear picture of what products are popular, where your customers are coming from, and which marketing campaigns are driving revenue.
    ✅ Optimize Your Strategy: Armed with invaluable data, you can make data-driven decisions to improve your online store's performance, optimize product pages, and enhance the overall shopping experience.
    ✅ Maximize Your Marketing ROI: Stop wasting money on ineffective marketing efforts. My Ecommerce Tracking service will help you identify high-performing campaigns, allowing you to invest your resources wisely.
    Why Choose Me?
    🔹 3+ Years of Experience: As a seasoned freelance expert, I have a proven track record of helping businesses succeed with Google Analytics E-commerce Tracking.
    🔹 Tailored Solutions: Every business is unique, and I'll customize the tracking to match your specific goals and requirements.
    🔹 Ongoing Support: I'm committed to your success. I'll provide continuous support to ensure you get the most out of your analytics.
    📣 Don't miss out on this opportunity to take your online business to new heights! Comment "Interested" below, and let's schedule a free consultation to discuss how my Ecommerce Tracking service can supercharge your sales!
    Join my Gig - https://www.fiverr.com GTM, GA4

    facebook (1).jpg

  5. Looking for an expert on Google Analytics 4, for ecommerce tracking?   


    I'm a qualified Google Analytics 4 (GA4), Google Ads, and Google Tag Manager Expert. Worked more than 3+ years in this industry.


    I will setup or fix errors in google analytics 4, Gads Conversion tracking, and e-commerce tracking for your websites through GTM or Fb Pixel. I will track the entire visitor behavior journey with every interaction.

    These data metrics and dimensions will help to make the right decisions and grow your business.


    Service Includes:

    • Installing GA4 and GTM 
    • Activate Google Signals for personalized ads in GA4
    • Configure Google Ads conversion tracking.
    • Configure remarketing audience in GA4.
    • Configure Enhanced ECommerce tracking (using data layer)
    • Configure GA4 Ecommerce Tracking
    • Configure Form tracking(contact form 7, WP form, Calendly form, etc).
    • Configure Enhanced measurement tracking (page views, Scrolls, Outbound clicks, Site search, Video engagement, file download, etc.)
    • Configure form submissions, button clicks, link clicks, phone calls, and more. Tracking Tag.



    • WordPress 
    • WooCommerce 
    • Shopify
    • Wix
    • Magento
    • Laravel or any custom-made Website



    Get More- https://www.fiverr.com/s/YjPq3a


  6. I will setup google analytics 4, ga4 e-commerce tracking, and conversion tracking by GTM

    I'm passionate about Web Analytics as well as Data-Driven Marketing Projects Including ( 🔶 Facebook Pixel, 🔶 Facebook conversion API 🔶 Google Tag Manager, 🔶 Google Analytics, TikTok Pixel Event API 🔶 Facebook and Google Ads). I had been worked for more than 3+ years in this industry.

    My E-commerce Tracking service Gig- https://www.fiverr.com/s/yLDl70

    GOOGLE (712 × 430px) (1).png

  7. Do you need Google Analytics 4 migration service? You can see my Gig. I am able to assist with this work.

    Gig here- https://www.fiverr.com/s/A8e11Y


    Fiverr Banner for UA TO GA4 (1280 × 769px).jpg

  8. I will migrate GA4 as well as e-commerce tracking any kind of CMS.



  9. Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4 Migration.

    Google is shutting down the Universal Analytics platform on July 1st, 2023, which means you'll lose all your valuable analytics data.

    Don't wait until it's too late - take action now to keep your data safe and ensure you can continue to receive insights into the people visiting your website.

    I can serve-

    • Google Analytics 4 property setup in your existing google analytics account
    • Create a GA4 data stream
    • Install data collection for your website via google tag manager
    • Migrate UA events and goals to GA4
    • Setup basic GA4 configurations
    • GA4 e-commerce tracking (only for eCommerce sites)
    • Create reports in GA4 or Google Looker Studio

    If you're unsure how to transition to Google Analytics 4, don't worry I am here to help! and make sure your website analytics are up-to-date and accurate.


  10. Looking for an expert on Google Analytics 4, for e-commerce tracking?   

    I'm a qualified Google Analytics 4 (GA4), Google Ads, and Google Tag Manager Expert. Worked more than 3+ years in this industry.

    I will set up or fix errors in google analytics 4, Gads Conversion tracking, and e-commerce tracking for your websites through GTM or Fb Pixel. I will track the entire visitor behavior journey with every interaction.

    These data metrics and dimensions will help to make the right decisions and grow your business.

    Service Includes:

    • Installing GA4 and GTM 
    • Activate Google Signals for personalized ads in GA4
    • Configure Google Ads conversion tracking.
    • Configure remarketing audience in GA4.
    • Configure Enhanced ECommerce tracking (using data layer)
    • Configure GA4 Ecommerce Tracking
    • Configure Form tracking(contact form 7, WP form, Calendly form, etc).
    • Configure Enhanced measurement tracking (page views, Scrolls, Outbound clicks, Site search, Video engagement, file download, etc.)
    • Configure form submissions, button clicks, link clicks, phone calls, and more. Tracking Tag.


    • WordPress 
    • WooCommerce 
    • Shopify
    • Wix
    • Magento
    • Laravel or any custom-made Website


    Google analytics 4.jpg

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