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Posts posted by halimur_roshid

  1. 5 minutes ago, mdsohagislambd said:

    If I don't give English test, Then Will rank my gig? Will I  won't get order?

    The Fiverr test doesn't help you rank your gigs. Through this test, only your buyer can understand that you have given a test on Fiverr and you have passed that test.

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  2. On 6/12/2023 at 11:57 PM, qasimrj07 said:

    Hello everyone! As a new seller on Fiverr, I'm looking for suggestions on how to optimize my profile to increase the chances of receiving my first order.


    3 minutes ago, apolygons2 said:

    So, I just finished making my account a few hours.

    and made a very simple portfolio, for "thumbnails".

    everything in it, is 100% made by me, they are all used on my actual youtube channel. my seller profile was up for only a few hours,  until I got the message. "your seller profile was not approved"

    now the problem is. I actually have done NOTHING yet. no one has contacted, and I have contacted no one. 

    I contacted them about this, asking over and over to get at the very least a possible reason, and this is what I got:


    "Hi there,
    Thank you for reaching out to us about this issue. We understand you tried to open a Seller profile on Fiverr, and received our response explaining your request wasn't approved
    Unfortunately, this decision can’t be changed.
    Your seller profile wasn’t approved, but you are welcome to continue using Fiverr as a buyer.
    If there is anything else we can help you with, please let us know.
    All the best,"


    which is the biggest nothing burger I have seen in my life. what the actual hell am I meant to do with this?

    I already sent another message asking again, but I want to know if someone has had a similar problem.

    at first I thought, maybe making thumbnails is not acceptable, but then I searched for it and there are dozens of that exact gig.

    I am completely lost here. please help me out.



    Such a thing happened to a friend of mine. His profile was all right, and a gig was published on his profile, and the gig was active. After six hours, his gig is not showing up. Then, when he talks to Fiverr support, they give him the same reply they gave you. And this reply means that you can no longer be a seller on Fiverr.

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  3. On 5/29/2023 at 12:20 PM, fatema_0072 said:

    Is auto refresher does really works for fiver ? 

    First of all, it violates Fiverr's terms and conditions. By employing this, you can always observe your activity even when you believe you are not, perhaps because you are sleeping or preoccupied with other tasks. Then a customer messaged you on Fiverr, but you were unable to respond. The customer can grow upset if you don't respond to him even while you are online, which could harm your account.

    • Like 20
  4. 26 minutes ago, mohsin222507 said:

    Two days have passed since I opened a new Gig about Translation, but I received about 15 messages within two days out of which, 14 are from a country, and they are spam and scammers. And I have been active on Fiverr for two years. The more messages I received from the country from the beginning of my career, they did not work.

    What can I do with those buyers who message me? Can I Report against them, and what actions will Fiverr take?


    Actually, I'm quite fed up with them.

    Fiverr has buyers from 4–5 countries who are almost all spammers. You report them. After your report, Fiverr will review it and Fiverr will ban the buyer from Fiverr if it is fake.

    • Like 6
  5. On 5/17/2023 at 4:18 PM, ig_marketer01 said:

    আসসালামু আলাইকুম, 
    আশা করি সবাই ভালো আছেন। আমি বিগত ১ বছর যাবত  Fiverr a account  খুলেছি Gig published করেছি 7 ta কিন্তুু আমার গিগে ক্লিক ইম্প্রেশন কম আবার গিগগুলো ফাস্ট পেজে আছে তাও আমি
    কোনো Order পাচ্ছি না এখন আমি ভাবতেছি গিগ ইমেজ চেন্জ করবো। এখন গিগ ইমেজ চেন্জ করলে তো ইডিট করতে হবে তাহলে কি আমার গিগ রেংকিং হারাবে। 
    অভিজ্ঞদের পরামর্শ চাচ্ছি।

    As you say, you have a gig on the first page but have not received any orders since last year. So the point is that your gig is in the eyes of the buyer, but the buyer does not like the service or description of your gig, or the image of the gig is not good. So now you should check your gig image, description, and title well, and if you think something needs to be changed, then change it.

    • Like 5
  6. 5 hours ago, vickydevik said:

    Hello, community,

    The first time someone contacted me on Fiverr. He asked me for Work samples.

    But I don't know is that ok to share any files with the customer as a sample. Please help me.


    Yeah, you can share your work samples as screenshots.

    • Like 7
  7. 1 hour ago, tusar584 said:

    If a buyer knocks after I set auto reply on Fiver and I can't reply right away, is it ok or will it be a problem with the account?

    Auto-refresh should not be used. Be as active as you can. If you use auto-refresh, you are doing some kind of betrayal to Fiverr by showing you are active. It's better not to cheat at your place of work. If you work honestly, then you will be successful.

    • Like 15
  8. Also today, I received a message from a spammer. A total of seven people have sent such messages so far. Why I am faced with these types of messages? Yet, I have not received any real buyer messages.

    • Like 6
  9. I want to get some information from a specialist. Do clicks and impressions really help in getting orders? I think many impressions and clicks are not needed to get an order. Some actual impressions and clicks are required to get the order. Actual impressions and clicks mean impressions and clicks from buyers. There are many sellers who check their gig's rank on their devices. When they check their gig's rank and what page their gig is on, somehow my gig is in front of their eyes, which gives me an impression. And if they like my gig title and image, they'll go inside my gig to see how it's set up, and because of that, I get a click. But these clicks and impressions will not help in getting orders. These are just my thoughts. Is it correct?

    Thanks for reading it. And if I have written something wrong, then look at it with forgiveness.

    • Like 3
  10. 30 minutes ago, faysal_h_aneek said:

    What should i follow to make Gig Image?

    You can follow the below rules:
    1. The gig image size is 1280*769 (Fiverr recommended).
    2. The Gig Image design is eye-catching.
    3. The text you write in the gig image is to be clean.

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