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  1. Update : my videos have been aproved ! And I know why it take so long, it was my mistake : I was waiting for the review before to activate the gig, but I had to activate the gig to get the validation.
  2. No, it's just a timelapse of my screen while I edit a picture.
  3. Ok, so this is normal (as normal as possible I mean). Thank you ! (And it was not a reproach, I know I'm not the only account they have to review, I was just worry because this is my first gig and I don't know how it works.)
  4. Hi ! I uploaded a video for my gig since last week (it was Wednesday 18) and it's under review by the Trust & Safety team since that time. Is it normal ? Why does it take so long ? How long does it take normally ? Thank you for your help
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