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Posts posted by wrightwell

  1. Hello friends! My latest buyer hasn't supplied the second half of the expected content and the deadline is tomorrow for my completion. What do I do in this situation? I already asked for the second half of the content, which they said they were going to send a few days ago. But, nothing has come in. I don't know how this works in terms of delivery. I've fulfilled what has been sent to me. But I have no idea what I do in terms of marking delivery as fulfilled because it isn't possible, or requesting an extension - but not knowing if & when the client will send the rest if the order content. Any help would be appreciated. Best wishes Louise 

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  2. My ambition is to be on Fiverr for the long term, but I am more than aware that I need an increase in orders to justify how much time to dedicate to my freelancing journey. :classic_rolleyes: I thought it would be a useful exercise to see how long it took other Fiverr users to get from new seller to level one seller to give me a bit of perspective. I am still making changes, adding example work, new images and rewriting my descriptions and key words, but I am a bit concerned that without orders, this could be a bit of a pipe dream. I hope I am proven wrong, as I want to be here for a while 🙏 Grateful to hear from other Fiverr users. Feel free to reply

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  3. I think the skills tests will benefit potential clients when choosing Fiverr freelancers. It provides an extra level of confidence for the buyer to consider when evaluating who they want to order from. Especially helpful for newbies to the platform I think... to build trust with their target audience. 😃💞

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  4. I wanted to share my experience with Fiverr so far, as I recently completed my first order on the platform.

    My first order consisted of writing a financial review of an investment company, which offers multi-services. 

    Once I submitted the finished project, I was delighted to learn that the client was extremely happy, awarded me a 5-star review and expressed a desire to work with me in the future.

    It was a great feeling to receive such positive feedback on my first order, and this has given me the confidence to continue working on the platform.

    I sincerely hope every freelancer and buyer gains a rewarding experience on Fiverr.

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  5. Hello everyone! I am excited to introduce myself as an aspiring author and passionate writer. With a love for the written word, I believe I have found my calling in article writing for blogs and websites. I'm here to learn my craft further and deliver a service to meet each client's needs. I wish you all the best of fortune and success on the platform. Nice to meet you!

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  6. Hello everyone! My name is Louise and I am the owner and creator of WrightWell, a UK-based brand that focuses on blogging, writing, and everything in between. I am excited to be a part of this forum and look forward to engaging in discussions. Thanks for welcoming me! I'd love to be introduced to others on here too.

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