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Posts posted by zaur_z

  1. The best way is to reach a fiverr support and give them information about the authenticity of your images. Maybe they will ask proofs or something but you definitely should to contact them. There is another way, you can put on your gig another your images, i think it will be faster but it's always interesting what happened. Also, you can do a combination of these approaches. Anyway, hope you get solved this soon! 

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  2. It could be that way actually because it makes sense in revenue terms, but I think there are little bit more characteristics that may have an impact on ranking. Just because of cost and even if they got in this short period same reviews doesn't make both of them equal I guess. You have also your account backgrounds, like the response rate, clicks, and favs on that particular gig. So, it seems to me more complicated than just revenue for Fiverr. 

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  3. Hello everyone, It's Zaur. I saw the information about a matching system for buyers and sellers. I couldn't find it, could you share with me how it works and how can I use it properly? I would be really grateful for you answers! 

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