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Posts posted by faariha_sajid

  1. 1 hour ago, priyank_mod said:

    Firstly, there is nothing like having a fixed/tangible rank of the gig. What we see in 'incognito mode search results' isn't what our buyers see!! Algorithm shows relevant gigs to a buyer based on what it thinks they might/would need. 

    Secondly, you don't have enough selling history on the platform - so your impressions will remain low/negligible. Yes, you delivered a couple of orders recently but don't expect your business to skyrocket overnight because of them. 

    And lastly, don't trust all these new sellers on the forum/Fiverr Gurus outside who keep harping about optimization+frequent editing of gigs. None of them know anything about the platform. Give your gigs at least 3-4 weeks after every edit. Have patience and don't expect overnight miracles!! 


    Hi thank you! My query does not revolve around my latest orders. This gig has been ranking on and off for some time now; it's been a few months. But maybe you're right about different results to different individuals. 

    And yeah that's why I am not editing it further, did that to a gig before and it just went downhill. If there's anything you think needs to be edited, your input will be appreciated.

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  2. Any genuine, helpful advice would be greatly appreciated.
    One of my gigs here is ranking on top pages of two keywords ( one showing 28000 results, the other showing 7000).However, I'm not receiving more than 30 impressions per day. It's so puzzling because we struggle to rank our gigs to reach a larger audience. Now that mine is ranking on first pages, it's still only receiving around 30 impressions. I would worry about optimization, etc., if it weren't a ranking gig. Any suggestions as to what I might be doing wrong? 
    I am being advised to edit and optimize the gig but I don't understand how that will help? My gig IS ranking. We edit and optimize gigs to get them to rank and mine is already ranking. I am afraid making changes to it unnecessarily would get it deranked(  that happened once and I am not willing to take the risk again)
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  3. Any genuine, helpful advice would be greatly appreciated.
    One of my gigs here is ranking on top pages of two keywords ( one showing 28000 results, the other showing 7000).However, I'm not receiving more than 30 impressions per day. It's so puzzling because we struggle to rank our gigs to reach a larger audience. Now that mine is ranking on first pages, it's still only receiving around 30 impressions. I would worry about optimization, etc., if it weren't a ranking gig. Any suggestions as to what I might be doing wrong? 
    I am being advised to edit and optimize the gig but I don't understand how that will help? My gig IS ranking. We edit and optimize gigs to get them to rank and mine is already ranking. I am afraid making changes to it unnecessarily would get it deranked(  that happened once and I am not willing to take the risk again)
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  4. 5 hours ago, rimon_32 said:

    edit your gig


    On 5/13/2024 at 7:44 PM, abrar1373 said:

    you should edit your gigs

    I am so confused as to how that will help? My gig IS ranking. We edit and optimize gigs to get them to rank and mine is already ranking. I am afraid making changes to it unnecessarily would get it deranked

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  5. So one of my gigs here here is ranking on top pages of two keywords ( one showing 28000 results, the other showing 7000).However, I'm not receiving more than 30 impressions per day. I find this extremely puzzling because we struggled to rank our gigs to reach a larger audience. Now that mine is ranking on first pages, it's still only receiving around 30 impressions. I would worry about optimization, etc., if it weren't a ranking gig. Any suggestions as to what I might be doing wrong?

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  6. Hello. I am aware that asking clients for a particular kind of feedback is not okay. My question is about general reminder to clients to leave a feedback, more in regards with the current changes in Fiverr level system so I am just trying to stay on the safe side and ensure I am not breaking any TOS. More specifically, my long term client showed reluctance in the beginning to leave feedback or allow me to display his projects on my gigs for some privacy reasons. I was wondering if I should request him to just leave a rating? I haven't been getting many orders and the gig he orders on has no reviews and as a result it's kind of stuck on page 5-6 and isn't really ranking better. My response time also shows null. Would appreciate any advice.

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  7. PLEASE can someone please tell me if it's alright to post same images for different gigs of the same niche? I have created multiple gigs with same images of same niche with different tags to see which one might win me an order. Please let me know if it violates ay fiverr rule


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  8. Hello.

    1. I am a bit confused about the particular option on gigs for commercial rights. When we work for a buyer and deliver him his project, does he not automatically have all the rights to that project? 

    2. Also I have read that sellers 'purchase' the commercial license from sellers. How exactly do we sell them the license? Do we charge buyers in inbox after order completion? 

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  9. 2 hours ago, michmikaia said:

    I don't say it's not good enough. But I think, it's better to show a "unique" mockup amd pictures. If you take a look of what your competitors show, it is almost the same as yours. That's why you should present something better that your competitors. Not only about the quality, but about looks. Work on that, search for some other mockups and choose something more attractive and unique. Or maybe you can create your own mockup too. 

    Alright I got it. One other thing, you are suggesting that I should go for less competitive tags in the beginning. As far as I know, changing to more competitive tags later won't really be helpful because url assigned to a gig initially stays the same and hence, editing a gig to improve its SEO or range won't be helpful. 

    So if I manage to get good enough orders and reviews, how will I switch to a more competitive range (trough tags) later?

    Thank you for your time

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  10. 2 minutes ago, michmikaia said:


    I go through your gigs. You said your mockup is high quality but I think you can show more unique and original mockup for your gigs. Besides, you have to use a low competitors keyword on your gigs as descriptions, title and tag to win your first order. Search at Fiverr itself the best low competitor keyword on your category. 

    Thank you so much for the tip! Can you please clarify if you are suggesting that the quality of my mockups is not good enough?

    • Like 6
  11. Hello.

    My niche is T-shirt Designing. I have been active on fiverr since last month and have been tirelessly working to improve my gig and gain impressions/clicks. I am satisfied with my gig; I constantly work to make it competitive and considerable. However, I am not getting the results I think I deserve.

    My packages are affordable, seo if fine, mockups and work is of high quality. I understand there is a high competition in the field but if I am gaining 30 impressions a day but 0 clicks, it implies that my thumbnail is not attractive. I have seen thumbnails of much outdated style getting orders and this worries me. 

    I would really appreciate if some of you could take out some time and go through my gig and let me know what might be some limitations or weak points that I might need to work on. I would really appreciate some help and feedback. I am frustrated and tired of waiting and I really need some guidance. 


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  12. Hello everyone!

    I am a graphic t-shirt designer. I published my gig a week ago and I was able to secure 104 impressions but 0 clicks. I edited the gig and added a video now. I was hoping if some of you could take out some time and go through my gig. I am willing to wait till I get an order but not getting enough clicks is worrisome; I would really appreciate if you all could share some honest reviews regarding my gig. It will allow me to make needed improvements before it's too late.

    Thank you.



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  13. Hello. I am a graphic designer. Can someone please explain what custom graphic designing is? Some people mention in their gigs that they would do custom t-shirt design etc. And I thought that they would take custom orders from clients but I came across a really complicated meaning of the term and I got confused that it is not what I think it is. So please help me out.

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  14. Hello! I hope you all are well.

    I am a new seller. My niche is graphic - T-shirt Designing. I joined 2 days ago and I was able to secure some impressions, no clicks though. I was hoping if someone could go through my gig and let me know if there is any improvement needed so I can fix it on time.

    I will be much obliged.

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  15. 35 minutes ago, gomesanik said:

    First of all, you understand that you have no reviews and orders in your gig. So, doesn't matter how you follow the best seller services. You should make a unique gig title, description, and package and must be organized your gig SEO. Then, be patient because nothing good happens without patience.

    Yes I guess. I am satisfied with my gig and I am willing to wait too; I was just a bit disappointed though that I didn't get any clicks.

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