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Posts posted by shomesound

  1. One metric in our response rate is how long it takes us to respond to a client message ( general message or in the order messaging). I like that I can see on our message column if we have replied by seeing a "Me:" in the message mini view. Can we get something that let us know at a quick glance that Indicates that we haven't responded to someone and need to. Every once in a while a response gets lost in the mix of a bunch of client messages ( between general messages and from order messages) and then next thing I know my response rate drops to 99% and I can't figure out why, then I find out that its because I have not responded to a client from 2 days ago because its 40 messages deep. 

    Maybe if the message indicated in RED color to show that it is a message that still needs to be responded to? Also, I many time feel like im playing the game of " last message" for example: 

    Client: Thanks for the great work!

    Me: Sure thing reach out anytime!

    Client: Will do!

    Me: Appreciate it!

    Client: no problem. 

    Me: Thanks!

    Client: Thanks!

    Me. 🙂👊

    Client: 👍

    Me: 🤝

    Me again: (Thinking, please let my message be the last one to respond so I dont get hit with a no response on my rating!)

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  2. I think one of the biggest things, for me personally, about this is that feeling of surprise, or "Um.. ok?" feeling that comes over me when I randomly see a notification that says, "so and so has extended their review time by X days." It's happened to me a couple times and with no messages or communications to me beforehand. Not that I feel entitled and "How dare you! You must inform me first before extending!", but it's really more about common/professional courtesy. If they had just asked me in a message, "Hi Charles, we ran into an issue and might need a couple days more to review. Is that cool with you?" I would be more than happy to extend their review time. Why? Because they were courteous and professional enough to ask me, and not just click the button to extend it without even letting me know what's up. I care about my clients and each and every project I do voiceovers for. I want my clients to shine for their clients, bosses, teams, companies; heck, the world! lol. I only ask for decency and communication and not a surprise in my inbox. 

    Maybe if there was a more fair /balanced way, something like they can hit "request X day extension for additional review" button, are required to put in an explanation of why they couldn't finish the review in the 3 days allotted, and once its sent, it comes to me to accept or decline. Thoughts? 

    Aaaaand ... woooosaahhhhhh. 😂

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