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Posts posted by aerish369


    Fiverr's high commission rate of 20% serves as a deterrent for freelancers, making them less inclined to work on the platform. In contrast, Upwork offers a more appealing commission rate of only 10%, which serves as an incentive for freelancers to choose Upwork over Fiverr. Another aspect that adds complexity to Fiverr is its unpredictable algorithm, making it difficult for freelancers to navigate the platform effectively. Additionally, Fiverr's matching system restricts freelancers from directly sending proposals to clients after a match is made, further limiting their control over the client acquisition process. Unfortunately, Fiverr's matching algorithm often produces irrelevant matches, making it challenging to find the perfect client-freelancer fit. Considering these factors, it becomes understandable why many freelancers are compelled to switch to Upwork, even though they may have initially preferred to work on Fiverr. The high commission and inefficient workflow on Fiverr act as discouraging factors for freelancers.

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