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Posts posted by caromc

  1. On 1/15/2023 at 4:48 PM, jcon92 said:

    Hi there! I'm new to the Fivver community and look forward to working with clients. I love copywriting and copy editing; it's so therapeutic! I have an English degree with an emphasis in creative nonfiction writing and now work professionally in PR. I'm interested in learning how to attract clients and how I can improve my gig/profile to attract prospective customers. All advice and feedback are welcome! 😀 

    What is creative nonfiction? Thanks, Caroline

    • Like 11
  2. On 6/20/2022 at 9:48 AM, smashradio said:


    I'm taking a few well-earned days off. It got me thinking: many sellers/freelancers struggle with this. Taking time off is scary, especially on Fiverr. If you activate the dreaded "out of office"/"I'm unavailable" mode on your profile, your gigs disappear from the search results. It can take days or even weeks before you get back to your regular revenue stream when you get back. 

    Fiverr rewards sellers who sell. So by not selling, you set yourself up for less business, not to mention that the projects you would have picked up if you were available will go to other sellers. 

    Even so, we have to take time off to stay sane. 

    Here are a few tips to make your days off easier:

    #1 - Plan ahead

    Start planning now if you know you're taking a week off next month. Make sure you don't get overbooked. Increase your delivery times when appropriate. Make sure you include days off in case you need it on large projects. 

    #2 - Inform your regular buyers if you have active orders/upcoming projects

    If you're currently working with some regular buyers on orders, inform them about your days off. They might expect you to be available next week for new projects or follow-ups. By telling them, they can plan accordingly, and you avoid getting questions from your regulars about a new project during your time off. Don't message sellers you don't have active or on-going work with. They don't need to know and you risk annoying them. 

    #3 - Decide if you want to be available to take orders or not

    If you're just gone for a couple of days, increasing your delivery time might be a good idea instead of activating "out of office" mode. That way, you're still active and working on Fiverr.

    When you activate "out of office", you're gone from Fiverr. If you're willing to respond to all messages quickly while away, you can maintain some normality for yourself and your buyers during and after your time off. Make sure to follow #1 if you do this. 

    If you're gone for more than a few days, increased delivery times may be unreasonable to your buyers and give the impression that you're slow. I tend to use out-of-office for anything more than a single day. If I just want Wednesday off to be with the family, I'll increase my deadlines on custom orders and gigs by an extra day instead. 

    # 4 - Budget your days off

    Calculate your average hourly salary and how many work hours you'll miss by being off for your set amount of time per year. The amount you're left with should be added to your rates. If you miss 10% of your salary yearly because of days off, bake that into your gig prices. 

    Don't forget that we tend to spend more while on vacation. Add that, too! 

    #5 - Ramp it up!

    For large projects with longer deadlines, you could ramp up production a few weeks ahead of your days off. It can be a good option if you wish to clear your dashboard before going away but requires you to work more in the weeks leading up to your vacation.

    #6 - Time it right

    Try to take your days off when it's quiet on Fiverr. That means weekends, bank holidays and so on. Make sure you check when important buyer countries have their days off.

    It might differ in your country. For example, there is no bank holiday in western countries during the Islamic holiday Eid Al-Fitr, and while most western countries have days off during Christmas, this might not be the case in your country if you don't celebrate Christmas. 

    And now it's time for me to sign off. This awaits me for the next three days: 


    What a beautiful scene. I imagine that was a lovely place for a well earned rest.

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