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Posts posted by eliagiac

  1. After sending them another message, the buyer actually ended up seeing my request and accepting it.

    Still, how can I prevent this from happening in the future? I'm definitely going to ask clients to decide on the date before sending them an offer from now on, but what about if a client orders directly from my gig page? If they order and ask for a lesson in say 2 weeks, then don't log in again, and thus can't respond to any of my requests, am I just supposed to deliver the order empty and have a guaranteed 1 star review, wait for the lesson and deliver late, or is there any way around it?

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  2. Hi everyone.

    I recently had a buyer order my programming lesson gig, and I sent them a custom offer with 2 days delivery (my standard delivery for this gig). After further conversation, we arranged our lesson to take place on 3/12/22. The day after our chat, I proceeded to send them a 6-days delivery date extension request, but understandably the client didn't log into our chat yet, considering that we weren't supposed to talk until our lesson. The order is now considered "Late". I contacted customer support earlier today asking about this, but haven't received a response yet after about 6 hours.

    Some things to note: I sent the delivery date extension request before the order was late, and it says it's valid until 1/12/22 (since that's 2 days before when we're supposed to meet, I don't expect them to respond in time). If this request is accepted, will the order still be marked as late? Is there any way I can prevent this?

    Follow up question: this is my very first order on this particular gig, so would it be acceptable for me to delete and remake the gig after the order is completed? I know I would potentially lose a review, but I very much don't want to have any records of late deliveries in my account since speed is one on my best qualities as a seller.

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