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Posts posted by rozellaling

  1. Hi all!

    I have a client who made an order from me a few times already. And he loves my work, but he never leaves a review for me. So, I am thinking about whether should I kindly ask him to leave one for me. Like, I appreciate it if you could leave me a review. Once again, thank you for your order. 

    But also, it seems asking for a review is against the TOS and some people said if you don’t ask for a 5-star one, then it should be fine.
There are too many answers that I don’t know what should I do. 

    Thank you for your answer!! 😄

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  2. Hi all,
    Any tips to get clients 😞
    I became a seller a few months ago and was not active, but recently I started to focus on freelancing again, so I returned to this platform and did as much design as possible to present myself. 
    Also, I did compare myself to the competitors, how much they cost etc. But my impression didn't increase a lot. 😞 
    I appreciate all of your answers!!

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