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Posts posted by ell23800

  1. It was clear that this seller is not as sufficient in his gig despite his experience listed. He's clearly not a good coder who delivers low quality and incomplete order. For e.g., no developers would put a CSS library in a html (like, the whole 30000 lines of code). He said some features are difficult and hard to do, which sounds like I have to omit the requirements (which I did). We want someone who is sure that they can do the work within the timely manner. If they don't, why don't the seller simply decline?

    I had to ask for two revisions sometimes it even miss some file that asked for), and still none of the deliveries meet the complete requests. I'm completely disappointed.

    I don't want to waste more time, but also don't want to put his work in vain. So I asked if he can complete the requirement and I'm open to raise the budget (honestly, I don't want to negotiate after accepting the order because it feels ridiculous I have to pay to get him complete the original job, which he should have completed, if he didn't agree, he should have communicate earlier).

    Right now I'm asking him to complete my original order with additional budget. Is there a way to change the budget of an existing order and add milestone to it? Should I cancel this order and create a new one that pay per milestone. I didn't know of paying by milestone when creating this order.

    I think searching for devs on Fiverr is not the best option. It's a hit or miss and apparently it's a miss for me. I want to move on with another person since I can't afford to waste more time but don't want to be a jerk. Is there a way to pay him partially? Should I keep working with him? Even if I get the project done, I will still give a not so good review.

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