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Posts posted by wordpresshathin

  1. 6 hours ago, katakatica said:

    So it's not really like me to ask about business but I'm honestly curious - we all know that with BR done, a lot of people seem to be struggling (which is honestly sad.) but I wonder how general business (so not BR-Brief generated, though that's interested as well) has been for everyone? 

    I had a sort of 'meh' October, but I was away for over a week and then got rather sick for another, so I'm not surprised (I had enough orders to earn what I usually would, but not the energy to write as I normally would, and luckily had lax deadlines.)

    November, however, has been... insane. The first few days my inbox was blowing up! I've earned more than in October already (which, fine, isn't a huge thing) but I might actually hit a new personal 'high'! It's also been a lot of potentially big projects - some take time of course, others fall through, but it's been good! 

    So... the question is, how has it been for you? Did you notice any change with the holidays being here? Or has it been normal so far? 

    Also, holiday season and all - are you taking time off for the holidays? Going anywhere fun? 
    I'm personally hoping to work until about... the 17th I guess? I'll still leave my profile 'on' because I can't go for weeks without writing at all, but yeah, that's roughly the goal. Will likely come back right after New Years properly! 

    no order!!!!!!!!!!!:(

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