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Posts posted by abdullah7581456

  1. to be honest as an old seller fiverr brief is far better than buyer request the only reason is we can contact the buyer directly in his/her buybox and in my case i was getting 3 to 5 briefs on daily bases but for this week i got only 1 brief. so everyone is observing the brief behaviour

    • Like 6
  2. Some maine important tips to make your gigs top-ranked using Fiverr SEO are:

    • Your gig must have an attractive title.
    • Your gig must have good tags and descriptions.
    • Your gig should have basic and popular keywords in the title, tags, and description.
    • Your gig title, SEO title, tags, description and the URL of the gig should have the same keywords.

    This article will also help the people who have followed all these steps and their gig title, tags, description, Fiverr SEO title,

    And also URL are relating and keywords are also the same but they still have not got any order and this article will also help the beginners who do not have any experience.


    The most important part of fiver SEO to rank fast is keyword research so over the first step of gig ranking is do keyword research properly.


    to find best keyword for your gig so go on fiverr and surch your keword on there and look gigs rasults how much gigs are maked on that keyword if is low then it is good keyword.

    If thats keyword have more gig or number of gigs are very high so leve it find its long tail keyword which donot have more then 1000 or 2000 gigs.

    if you find that keyword its good signel.

    It is better for the beginners to make the right choice in keywords in tags, titles, and descriptions of the gigs and mainly, marketing outside the Fiverr. These tips will be very useful for beginners to start their work and earn from fiver by getting more orders.

    When you make the right choice of keywords and created a gig on that topic and have marketed it outside the Fiverr such as, on Instagram and Facebook. Then your gig will surely come on the first page with good ranking. In this way, the chances of getting orders and rankings on Fiverr will become higher.

    So if you are a beginner and are not getting orders on fiver and your gig is not in the ranking then you should follow these tips that firstly, before creating a gig on fiver search for the keywords to put in your tag, description, and title of the gig and using low competitive keywords in your gig to get ranked.

    Secondly, you must have marketed your gig outside the Fiverr to get more buyers. And then you should follow some more tips to make your gig ranked on the first page.

    Beginners don't have knowledge about how to make a gig it is one of the reasons of not rank of the so lats make a Gig for them on Fiverr.

    • Like 12
  3. i am an old seller. selling on fiver since 2019 and according to my observation fiver works on rotation. last week i got 12 briefs and today is the fourth day of this week and i receive only 2 briefs. so seems like its a normal thing you should wait for your turn

    • Like 4
  4. first of all you need to work on where you are lacking.

    if your work, your communication, your message writing ethics are good then professionally reply to that buyers feedback and always show respect specially in the reply of feedback so atleast other buyers can see you are professional and replying to the buyer and trying to satisfied her/him

    • Like 3
  5. you need to do market research.

    do a proper research what services your compatitors are providing and try to be dirrerent and unique from them by adding more value in your services.

    these are few usefull tips:

    gig analysis of compatitors

    Add a professional video on your gig.

    search best keyword relevent to your service.

    try to add portfolio.

    use heigh resolution, good designed images.

    • Like 2
  6. First of all its a normal thing if you didn't receive order from last one month. but in your case its not normal  

    according to my 4 year of experience as seller on fiverr:

    please do a search on your neach. i also face this. so after research i find out my compatitor ( even he was new seller ) providing the same services in $10 cheaper then my price and also have video in his gig. so i record a professional video and upload on gig and it works for me. you also need to find where you are lacking.

    • Like 5
  7. First of all its a normal thing if you didn't receive order from last one month.  

    here according to my 4 year of experience as seller on fiverr:

    please do a search on your neach. i also face this so after research i find out my compatitor ( even he was new seller ) providing the same services in $10 cheaper then my price and also have video in his gig. so i record a professional video and upload on gig and it works for me. you also need to find where you are lacking.

    • Like 7
  8. As a freelancer, one of the best ways to get second orders is to complete the first order flawlessly. This means going above and beyond what the buyer has asked for, and making sure that you deliver on time, every time. If you can do this, your buyers will be happy to come back to you for more work in the future.


    There are a few other things you can do to increase your chances of getting second orders on Fiverr:


    1. Use Quality Images

    2. Write a Great Description


    3. Offer a Discount

    4. Be Responsive


    PRO TIP:If you are considering ordering a gig on Fiverr, be aware that there is no guarantee that you will receive the order you are expecting. There have been many complaints of buyers not receiving their orders, or only receiving part of their order. Additionally, be aware that some sellers may use automated bots to inflate their ratings and reviews.these are the few ways you can follow to get your 2nd order and so on

    • Like 2
  9. yes you can change pictures but if your gig is welll ranked and you are getting orders so its not recommended to change gig images but in other case i would recommend you to add video on your gig .

    Video guidelines

    DoMake sure your that video isn't longer than 75 seconds

    • Make sure your that video is less than 50 MB
    • Accepted file formats: mp4 and AVI
    • Make sure to use "landscape" mode
    • Keep your video concise and only related to the service you offer
    • If you offer a service in a different language, write your Gig details in that language in addition to English. Your video can be in the other language but be sure to mention what language you offer in your service in your Gig title
      Example: "I will create video Ads in Spanish"
    • Make sure that your video is clear and without background noises.
      Suggestion: Position your microphone properly, and use professional audio equipment to record your video to ensure crisp audio and video quality.
    • We recommend that you use your own voice instead of using a computerized narration. If you do want to use a computerized narration, make sure it's high quality and as close to your original voice.
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