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Posts posted by mi_maruf

  1. On 10/31/2022 at 7:38 PM, schiqoopedia said:

    It's now totally Upto your Gig SEO. Use proper "Long-tail" keywords in your gig's title, body text and use 5 most used tags. Also don't worry yet, the briefs are not fully regulated. 

    Can you please check out my profile and gig as well for checking if my gig SEO is enough or not to get briefs and orders from buyers as well?? I tried my level best to create my gigs as SEO optimized but I didn't get expectable impressions, clicks, and orders as well. Can you please help me by checking my gigs that would I need any more improvement on my gigs to get an expectable result.. If you can I will be thankful to you.

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