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Posts posted by emankhan478

  1. Everything was going great with this client untill the delivery. Before I delivery any digital products I always send files for last time if in case any revision needed by the client. The client was okay with everything and I delivered her the file. After a day, she accepted my delivery and send me a message saying she wasn't happy with the project and there were some correction needed. As far as I know and remember I have made all the corrections told by the client and she accepted the delivery She didn't informed me anything about the corrections or send the file for revision. There is a reason there is a "revision" option for the buyers but instead she accepted the delivery + gave a bad review+ didn't send for a revision. I have no clue what corrections she is talking about because she won't tell. I've worked sleepless nights and this is what I get! We make sure we do our work well but buyers like this ruins everything. I think is so unfair. Buyers can easily take advantage of us and turn our performance down even though we worked with honesty. Please tell me is there something I can do about this?

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  2. On 11/18/2022 at 6:01 AM, vickieito said:

    @emankhan478, normally a sudden drop in impressions is due to a negative private review, which you'll never see.

    I checked out your public reviews and saw one from three weeks ago that may have resulted in a negative private review (even though the public review was 5 stars). This also coincides with the timing of when your impressions dropped. Do you have a Success Manager that you can reach out to see if there was a negative private review?

    Negative private reviews can affect your account for 90 days or longer depending on what you do during that time.

    I don't have a manager to check for the private review. Now, is there a way I can re gain my impression again or should I have to wait for 90 days?

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  3. My gig was doing really good the past few months. I had 10-20k Impression in 30 days and every week I used to get 2/3 orders. I had late deliveries on some past orders like 5-6 of them due to buyer's late response. I've send ordered disputes and delivered on time. My impression went up again but then all of a sudden each day my impression went drastically down & now I'm left with 4 clicks and 209 impression only. Can any expert tell me what was the reason I had to face such low in impression and clicks? and please share how can I re gain my impression and clicks again. I'm sure I'm no longer in search list now. 


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  4. Few days back I requested for extending the delivery date but the buyer didn't yet accepted or respond. 11 hours left to delivery. What should I do? I'm tired from buyers like these they do not respect our time and work. Previously the buyer accepted the delivery time after that she didn't respond a single day and I ran out of delivery time again. This is my second time sending a dispute order to extend the delivery date but no response. 

    2 hours ago, gomesanik said:

    You should be to contact customer support before going into late mode.


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  5. This month I received 6 orders from different buyers. After few days of communicating with all 6different buyers, all of a sudden they stopped responding and it has been 10+ days I have not received any response. My gig performance is going down. I have send an order dispute but no response from any of the  buyer. What should I do? This is so frustrating 

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