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Posts posted by clxvers_designs

  1. Hi! My name is Clover,  I'm 14, I use he/they pronouns, and I specialize in designing, web development, as well as anything business related!

    I know...it sounds like a lot of knowledge for someone my age...

    But trust me when I say I've been successful time and time again with what I do!

    3 Fun Facts About Me:

    -I've been a business owner since I was 7! (With mom's help + supervision of course!)

    -I have a tiny cat named Loki (It's a little girl!)

    -I like to sew and sometimes crochet ❤️


    I've just recently started selling on Fiverr, and have been seeking advice. (See my other posts)

    If you were to check out my gigs, that would also be deeply appreciated, as I'm trying to get as much exposure as possible.


    Thanks so much for your time! Feel free to leave any tips in the comments for both I, and others to see!


    <3, Clover

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  2. Hi! Do you think anyone would purchase from me despite the fact I'm a teen? I'm trying really hard, but I feel like people look at me like it's a joke...I love designing and any kind of work I can get! I'll attach some of my designs. Maybe some feedback would be nice? Thanks!


    <3, Clover

    10 SMART.png

    10 MARKETING.png

    I WILL BE YOUR.png



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  3. Hi, I'm Clover. I'm 14 and I love doing my usual freelance work for family & friends...however I've branched out into fiverr recently! I don't have much prior "work experience" other then working at a restaurant... I'd like to get more views on my listings, as well as looking trustworthy to the eyes of the buyers. Thanks for your help!

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  4. Hi, I'm Clover. I'm 14 and I love doing my usual freelance work for family & friends...however I've branched out into fiverr recently!

    I don't have much prior "work experience" other then working at a restaurant...

    I'd like to get more views on my listings, as well as looking trustworthy to the eyes of the buyers.

    Thanks for your help!


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