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  1. This is a really tricky situation that you're in, and it's hard to know what the best course of action is. It sounds like this customer is taking advantage of you and your kindness in agreeing to do work for them in the future. It's definitely not right for them to be blackmailing you like this, and it's not something that you should have to put up with. I had an experience of being extorted, and some experts helped me. Maybe they could help you too. Also, the best thing to do in this situation is to stand your ground and not give in to their demands. Suppose they follow through with their threat and contact Fiverr. In that case, you can explain the situation to them, and hopefully, they will understand. In the meantime, it's probably best to avoid this customer and not take on any work for them, even if they offer to pay you.
  2. It sounds like you are doing a lot of things right but may not be getting the exposure you need. Have you tried using social media to promote your gig? You could also try contacting relevant forums and groups to let people know about your services. Regarding your gig, it sounds like you are offering a lot of value for a very reasonable price. Perhaps you could consider adding more information to your gig description to give potential buyers a better idea of what they will be getting. Also, you can read about how to hire a UX designer, and there you will find the tips people are using to find the best in this field.
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