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  1. yes, i did , and i won today, money was back to me just now ,thanks .
  2. Yes ,thanks very much,i already solved it and money was back to me , i deliveried many proofs to show me i am Honest seller,A tough process to prove it, but in the end I won,thanks a lot .
  3. Thanks very much for your advice , i just doing some sourcing job for customers, when he need something and i will purchase for him . i do not know much about gift card also fiverr rules,I didn't expect to get a refund after confirming receipt.I hope I can get my money back through fiverr。Thanks for your advice again .
  4. The buyer is :bastin342 from Unite States .who asked me to purchase a gift card for him, and i did , also tell him Since it is a virtual item, once issued for use, it cannot be refunded,he agreed, and i finished the order that day on 10th, Oct. also he accepted my delivery , Then he immediately needed me to buy more, but due to my limited funds, i did not purchase 10pcs for him ,then start the second orders ,due to the long delivery time ,though tried to talk with many suppliers , finally i agreed with him to cancelled the second order . The conversation was very pleasant, and he replied quickly without showing any problems.i thought this is also a pleasant Trading.I seviced for many buyers in fiverr, never met this problem . Then this evening, I received a refund notice. I didn't know that it could be refunded after the buyer accepted my submission. The buyer didn't give me any information or questions.i tried to contact with the buyer the buyer blocked me . Fiverr also did not show me the reason of the refund ,i am still waiting the reply from fiverr. Did i met a liar ,anyone met this problem ?
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